MANILA, Philippines - “So, who is the fairest one today?” That question, irreverent though it may seem, is perhaps the most accurate beauty question ever asked. Women, at whatever age, are bombarded with messages about the kind of beautiful they should aspire to be at every moment — even as the yardstick for what is considered beautiful continues to change.
Sara Black, famous for her work as a fashion photographer, reacts to this never-ending pressure for women to attain a fixed standard of beauty through her book When I Look in the Mirror. The book literally trains the spotlight on a widely diverse group of beautiful women, and attempts to inspire the reader to accept and celebrate real, unadulterated, un-Photoshop-ed beauty.
Dove, through its Campaign for Real Beauty, gets behind the project as part of its advocacy to promote and celebrate every woman’s unique and individual beauty.
The book features some of the most unlikely beauties in our midst and holds them up to every woman as an example of real beauty, unaffected by the so-called standards of beauty as dictated by society.
When I Look in the Mirror will be launched on March 18, at The Gallery, second floor, Greenbelt 5, with a photo exhibit showcasing a selection of portraits of the beautiful women featured in the book. The show runs until March 22.