When people ask if you’ve had a facelift

Mary Prieto has been writing on manners for the STAR for so many years that she’s been called the "Miss Manners of the Philippines." Starting this week she will resume what she’s been doing for decades – answering readers’ questions about etiquette and the proper way to conduct ourselves in this modern age.

Dear Mary,

Don’t you find it rude when people ask: "Did you have a facelift?" or "I like your new nose. Who made it?" What do you think?

Looking Fab

I think it’s very rude when people ask if you’ve had any form of surgical enhancement – as rude as someone telling you you’ve gained weight. Remember the old adage "If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything at all?" I think you should just compliment the person and that’s it.

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By Land Or By Cell
Dear Mary,

What is the rule when asking for people’s cellphone numbers? I once got embarassed when I asked someone for his cellphone number and he gave me his landline only.

Phone Pal

Either he doesn’t have a cellphone number or he doesn’t want to give it to you. Either way, try not to feel offended and politely accept the phone number given to you. MARY
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Office Exposure
Dear Mary,

Many women today wear short blouses that expose their navel. I find this improper for office wear. What do you think?

Conservative Dresser

Tops that expose the midriff might not look out of place on a very young fashion stylist or in a music video, but they are indeed improper for office wear. If you’re in a creative field you might have more leeway to dress casually, but I’m a firm believer in wearing business suits to the office.

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You can fax your questions to Mary at 729-6449.

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