Stressed over stretch marks

Dear Tingting,

My 25-year-old daughter has just delivered her first baby by caesarian section. Her problem has to do with her stretch marks. Is there a cream or lotion she could apply to get rid of her stretch marks?

Concerned Mom

Treat the area with bleaching cream or tretinoin cream nightly. Or tell your daughter to get a microdermabrasion or diamond peel once a month while applying tretinoin. You’ll see results in six sessions. You can call Dr. Imelda Cervantes at 892-1947.

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(Under)Weight Problem
Dear Lucy,

While others are trying hard to lose weight, I’m desperate to gain weight. I stand 5’4 and am really underweight. My problem is I have a hard time gaining even a few pounds. Could you tell me how to put on some weight?


Wow, I’m sure there are a lot of women out there who would want to have your problem! Enjoy the situation you’re in now without, of course, compromising your health and well-being. All I can tell you is to eat to your heart’s desire and take your daily dose of vitamins. Over and above that, I would recommend that you go see a doctor because you may have a thyroid problem. Only a doctor will be able to rule that out so it’s best that you have a medical checkup.

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Wanted: More Pounds
Dear Mary,

My boss told me that she is following your three-day diet. My problem is the opposite of my boss’ – I want to gain weight, but no matter how much I eat, my weight remains the same. Is there a three-day diet to gain weight? Incidentally, do you think if I eat ice cream and donuts every day I will have diabetes in the future?


Regardless of whether you get diabetes or not, it is not a healthy thing to eat ice cream or donuts every day. Try to eat a lot of potatoes, custards, beans, lentils, pancakes, and have rich desserts. Also, how about exercising? Even if you are slim, exercise will make you more shapely. There are some people who are naturally thin their whole lives so your problem should not bother you. Just dress accordingly and you’ll look just fine.

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His Dark Elbows Are Giving Him The Blues
Dear Ms. Prieto,

I’m a 15-year-old school boy who loves wearing short-sleeved T-shirts and polo shirts. But the problem is, I have dark elbows that are really noticeable with the shirts that I wear, and that irritates me a lot. How can I get rid of my dark elbows as well as dark knees in a not-so-expensive way?


Most department stores sell bleaching creams, ask for the more effective ones. These are not expensive. Also, don’t forget to moisturize, as most bleaches dry the skin.

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Send e-mail to or write to Style SOS c/o Life Section, The Philippine STAR, 13th and Railroad Sts., Port Area, Manila.

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