Torn between two loves

Dear Nanay,

I have always admired you as a great adviser, mother, entrepreneur and every time you share your words with others, it brings me a lot of inspiration. I’m one of your avid young readers who continues to explore and experience the wonders of life.

I’m currently in a strong long-distance relationship with my special someone who is based a thousand miles away from home because of studies. Living in a place far away from home enables you to meet different people and I have found someone who has the same situation I have. From the day we met, we immediately became good friends, which led us to the relationship we have today. We have a lot of similarities, like both of us gave up our modeling careers and dreams of living a simple life. I honestly do not believe in serendipity, but based on the movie love stories I’ve seen, it feels like it’s happening in reality. There is something that connects us in many ways. We can endlessly talk about anything under the sun, share problems and provide encouragement and inspiration to each other that defines in our minds that this is more than a friendly relationship. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this would happen to me. We still both respect and value our current relationships with our other special someones, but we can’t really explain the special bond we have at the moment.

Do you think there is such a thing as lovers who have existing lovers experiencing new love even when they are already in love? Do you think this is natural or just a temptation that we have to surpass? It is really hard to understand and I’m hoping to receive motherly advice from you.

Thank you and more power, Nanay!



Dear Lemonade,

Being in a long-distance relationship is very difficult. But what you have to realize is that the situation you are in is no different than if you were all in one place and you met someone new. It just so happens that in your case, there are long-distance relationships that are involved.

You have to understand that when it comes to having relationships, there is nothing wrong with changing your mind. It happens all the time to almost everyone. I think it is very rare that you end up with your “first love.”

But the important thing that you have to remember is that if you change your mind, then you have to break up with your first boyfriend or girlfriend before you start your relationship with the new one. ’Wag mo lang sila ipagsabay. (Do not have two relationships simultaneously.) Bawal mamangka sa dalawang ilog. (You can’t row down two rivers/serve two masters.) And that rule applies to both you and your friend.

So at the end of the day, my advice is for you to just really follow your heart. Sino ba talaga ang mas-gusto mo? (Who do you really like better?) And when you answer that question, then that’s the direction you go. If you keep that in mind and as long as you treat everyone concerned fairly and with respect, you should not have any problems.

Good luck!



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More contact info for DNA Lab

Dear Nanay,

In your recent column, you provided Marichu and other readers the phone numbers of the DNA Analysis Laboratory. Thank you for mentioning us in your column. If needed, please provide Marichu and other readers our e-mail address ( or, our website ( or our official mobile phone number (+63 918 913-6284) so that she can contact us through any of these forms of communication.

More power to your column!

Maria Corazon A. De Ungria, PhD


Dear Corazon,

Thank you for the additional information and I hope it helps Marichu and our other readers.



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