Art patron Bea Zobel Jr. feeds her faith and starves her doubt

Art for All is the spirit that drives Bea Zobel Jr. to be a trustee in the Metropolitan Museum. As treasurer and member of the board of directors, Bea concentrates on fund-raising events. With much enthusiasm, our bachelorette wants others to know how vital it is to nurture our culture.

Bea believes that establishing our national identity through the works of our talented artists will give us a sense of pride, which we desperately need. Even if art seems to be unimportant in our country because of so much poverty, believing in oneself is a good start. And knowing that our fellowmen can produce beautiful art pieces uplifts our spirit as a nation.

Bea studied in Assumption until she was nine years old. When her father Jaime was appointed Ambassador to the Court of St. James, Bea went to England, where she attended a boarding school. From there, our bachelorette studied in Smith College in Massachusetts, USA. Soon after graduation, she married and lived in Spain. Eight years ago, her husband was killed in an airplane crash. She moved back to the Philippines and became one of the strongest advocates of the Metropolitan Museum.

Which living person do you admire most?

My mother Bea Zobel for sure. I got a lot from her. She does not compromise – either something is good or bad. She is flexible but with moral values and ethics. She is clear about her social responsibilities.

Who or what is the greatest of love of your life?

Because I had to stay eight months in bed for each of my three pregnancies, I would say that it is my children whom I love the most. I was four months pregnant with my last one when my husband died. There were thousands of people who came to the funeral and I had to get up.

How do you resolve your conflicts?

I like to take on problems immediately. If it is someone I hurt, I have no qualms about solving it.

What sports do you like most?

I have always been sports-oriented. At Smith, I was on the squash team. I love badminton. I go to the gym every morning and love spinning. The problem is that my best friend when I feel stressed is food.

What is your greatest extravagance?

Buying things for my house.

Where are you most comfortable?

When relaxing and alone, since I do like solitude. I love the sensation of being underwater, diving with corals and the fish.

Which historical character would you like to have been?

Sun Yat Sen. I also like strong women who changed history, strong ladies who loved their country with a passion.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

When I’m hungry or tired, I get into a bad mood. When I am sure of something, I like to control.

Name a moment that brings back happy memories.

When my whole family is together. There are seven of us, five girls, two boys, plus my parents. This Chrismas we will be together. I enjoy family reunions with my brothers who have such a good sense of humor.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

One of them would be to have 500 people attend the fund-raising Terno show for the Metropolitan Museum. I must mention Luli Arroyo who is so dedicated to our country. I was very honored when Luli agreed to be co-chairman of the Terno event with me.

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?

Poverty. I see it firsthand, starting with the people who work for me. I try to upgrade their lives and bring back their pride.

Which famous quotation would you have wanted to be the author of?

When I was really down, a very good friend sent this message to me: "Believe in your dreams, not your despairing thoughts. Feed your faith and starve your doubts."

What does your dad often say to you?

He is very proud of what I have achieved. When I was younger, he would say, "Don’t go to Coco Banana."

What does your mom often say to you?

"Why don’t you ask me for advice first?"

What is your favorite journey?

Discovering my country. I am fascinated with traveling and sharing the Philippines with other people.

What is the quality you most like in a man?

When he is so so so patient, and I really appreciate that.

What is the quality you most like in a woman?

Being sincere and down to earth. I hate superficiality. I prefer someone who tells me, "Bea, I hate you," than someone who wastes my time beating around the bush.

What is your greatest regret?

Not spending more time with my husband, but it wasn’t my choice. He had to travel a great deal.

How do you see life?

Thank God I am a positive person.
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