Elen Sta. Maria: If you want something done, ask a woman!

In 1998, 14 doctors in Japan saw the need to develop software serving Japanese hospitals. Thus, JPMed was born. Last year, the group decided to open a branch in Makati, primarily so they could have a back-up storage for all the knowledge they have accumulated on their data base. In case of some failure in Japan, the information would still be intact in the office here.

As general manager of JPMed Asian Pacific Inc., Elen Sta. Maria, 29, guides her head office in deciding what services they will provide from here. Since there is an overwhelming need for software in Japanese hospitals, managers at the JPMed head office want to expand their Philippine branch in order to fulfill the demand. Cautious Elen disagrees. She wants her team here to concentrate initially on a few applications. One of these is the "clinical path" software which enables a patient’s medical history to be encoded on a card, thus providing the Japanese hospitals detailed information as soon as the patient checks in.

With an AB Psychology from Philippine Women’s University, Elen feels that she has the right degree to help her manage the 50 programmers they plan to have. At 5’9", our statuesque bachelorette reflects on her love for health spas, having 12 children and being greeted by her answering machine.

Which living person do you admire most?

Rio Diaz. Everyone knows she is sick and yet she is still so positive. I don’t think that I could face the world saying I am ok if I had cancer.

What is your passion?

I love spas, having massages and relaxing. If I could do that all the time, I would. I also want to influence the behavior of others.

What is your most fervent wish?

To find the right person to marry and have 12 kids.

How do you resolve your conflicts?

If you can’t beat them, join them. People are always my problem. When there is something I believe in and they don’t agree, then fine. I join them.

What sports do you like most?


What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

People tell me I should be more diplomatic.

What is your motto?

Do what you can with what you have where you are.

What is your current state of mind?

Being young in this position and having to live up to people’s expectations stresses me out.

What is your greatest extravagance?

Ordering exotic foods.

What words or phrases do you overuse?

I’m sorry.

What do you dislike most about your appearance?

I’m so tall that it’s sometimes hard to get a date.

On what occasion do you lie?

When I don’t feel like going out with someone.

Which famous quotation would you have wanted to be the author of?

If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.

Who or what is the greatest love of your life?

My mom, Carmencita, who died when I was seven years old. Even now, she visits me in my dreams.

What is your favorite occupation?

Marketing. I love to talk with businessmen, seeing their reactions to products.

Who greets you when you get home?

The blinking light on my answering machine.

Name an embarrassing moment at work.

I was so nervous during a presentation that I introduced myself using my complete baptismal name (Maria Elenita Bernadette Santos Sta. Maria). The other people in the room said "Amen" and made the sign of the cross.
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E-mail: Babycamp2 @ yahoo.co.uk

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