Las Vegas has Eiffel Tower, Sphinx and now a urinating boy

In this Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2015, photo, a street performer, who declined to give his name, counts his tips along Fremont Street in Las Vegas. The Las Vegas city council is looking to institute new rules for street performers on Fremont Street. AP/John Locher

LAS VEGAS — Already home to replicas of the Eiffel Tower and Sphinx, Las Vegas now has its own copy of Belgium's Manneken-Pis, a statue of a naked little boy relieving himself into a fountain.

The D Las Vegas casino-hotel on Fremont Street revealed the 500-pound replica Tuesday that will sit in the property's valet area coyly saying the 100-year renewable contract with the inanimate little man amounted to the longest entertainer residency in Las Vegas history.

Derek Stevens with The D Las Vegas says he and his brother Greg are of Belgian descent and often visited the original 17th century Brussels statue said to be translated to "Little Man Pee."

The original is frequently dressed up in suits and Stevens expects to do the same with his copy which is two-times larger.

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