The visual poetry of Katrina Pallon and Isobel Francisco

A painting by Isobel Francisco(left), A painting by Katrina Pallon(right)

MANILA, Philippines - The French, with their romantic lingual prowess, have always had a knack for capturing the most subtle of sentiments with a single twist of the tongue. L’appel du vide defines a psychological phenomenon in which secret desires, subconscious yearnings, and impulses of the flesh pierce through the wall that is held up by a social understanding of what is logical and what is acceptable. Although no fitting translation that totally captures the magnitude of the phrase can be found to this day, the closest known phrase in English is, “the call of the void.”

Art Gallery Asia showcases the visual documentation of two young up-and-coming artists, Katrina Pallon and Isobel Francisco in their visual exploration of “L’appel du Vide: The Call of the Void.”

There is no sound stronger than silence. In this silence, the deepest longings buried under our subconscious find an opening in which to reveal themselves, which is why this silence has often been synonymous with fear. However, artists Pallon and Francisco, in their trademark spunky attitude, attacked this fear head on, stabbed it with their paintbrushes, and from its blood, drew a collection of colors that they have skillfully manipulated to create striking and thought-provoking art pieces. Together, the artists present their reflections on the subject of secret desires through a collection of pieces that demonstrate their soulful musings and remarkable talent.

Catch “The Call of the Void” on view until Dec. 28, 2013 at Art Gallery Asia.

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