Filipino artists pay homage to Goya

Nino Quartana, Pandi Aviado, Poch Naval, Atalyer Design, Ramon Diaz, Stefan Löwenstein, Steph Palallos, and Cesar Caballero pay homage to prodigious Spanish painter Francisco Goya in “Claroscuro — Light and Darkness: An Homage to Goya” which opens on Nov. 26 at the Artina Gallery Café, A. Venue, Makati City.

The artists explore the duality of Goya’s art — both light and dark, beautiful and grotesque — by creating a variety of artworks based on his numerous paintings, etchings, prints, sketches, and lithographs.

The exhibit is sponsored and supported by the Spanish Embassy, AECID Technical Cooperation Office, LRI Design Plaza, Galerie Astra, and Marques de Arviza.

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