Ultimate healing oil

Sun protection is crucial to skincare.

Dr. Vermen Verallo-Rowell’s passion is skin. Considered by most to be the foremost researcher on clinical and cosmetic dermatology, Verallo-Rowell has authored two books on skin and health as well as over 150 scientific papers on dermapathology, dermatology, psoriasism hyperpigmentation, laser therapies and applied cosmetic dermatology. Verallo-Rowell’s first book on Skin in the Tropics covered the topic of pigmentation disorders while her second book Rx: Coconuts! (The Perfect Health Nut) is a must-read for those who wish to learn more about coconut’s numerous health benefits. This year, Verallo-Rowell is adding a second book on the study of the coconut as an all-around healing agent. Uptown/Downtown sat down with Manila’s foremost dermatologist to discuss the contents of her new publication. Here’s what Verallo-Rowell has to say.


On inflammation and oxidation

Inflammation and oxidation are major pathways for the start and progression of many modern diseases such as cardiac hypertension, obesity, diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Oxidative stress can arise from excessive oxidation due to diet, drugs, pollution, chemicals present in the environment, infections and lack of sleep.


On VCO as an ideal oil for a healthy diet

Virgin coconut oil (and all forms of coconut oil) has received a bad rap from the West. Poorly researched and published studies have repeated the belief that saturated oils are bad and contain cholesterol. These studies have been done decades ago and would never pass peer review standards of research today. VCO is saturated oil that does not contain cholesterol. Further, new studies have revealed that saturated fat is not the demon that it is portrayed to be.

Soybean oil is heavily produced in the United States and therefore it comes as no surprise that this type of oil is touted as the preferred type of oil. Here in the Philippines, our tendency to look towards Western medicine as the golden standard made our own scientific researchers and physicians follow this (anti-coconut oil) line of thinking. There are only a few researchers who have bothered to question this line of thinking. Dr. Conrado Dayrit  and his son Dr. Fabian Dayrit have written extensively on the topic.

VCO has 65 percent medium chain triglycerides and this makes it so much easier for this oil to be absorbed by the intestinal tract. It is also a quick source of energy. Unlike other oils, VCO does not go through the lymphatics and the blood stream and because of this, it does not raise bad cholesterol levels. Per cup, VCO has less calories in them and during recipe creation, it is observed that less VCO is needed compared to other oils.

On the most common skin mistakes

1. Not applying sunscreen. One can never over stress the importance of sunscreen application. The Philippines is situated so close to the equator and as such, receives an abundance of solar rays. UV rays are present indoors as well in heating and light appliances such as ovens and computer monitors. An SPF of no less than 15 should be applied (and reapplied) for those who stay indoors and an SPF of 30 and above is required for those that expect to being outdoors.

2. Not bothering to read the ingredients in skincare and beauty products. Every formulation is composed of various chemicals that may contain allergens. It is important to educate one’s self on ingredients that can cause potential harm. Equally important is taking time out to ascertain whether these undesirable ingredients are present in the products that you use.

3. Adding too many products on one’s skin. A dermatologist’s nightmare is to have patients who use too many products that result in allergy-related skin diseases. Zeroing in on the guilty ingredient can be a daunting task. Introduce skin care products carefully. Take time out to observe each product. Is the product beneficial to you? Do you see positive results from it? If yes, then be loyal to it. If not, then ditch the product immediately.


(For best results, consult your primary doctor.)



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