Assumption cares

Mielle Esteban, Mely Diaz and Joy Lagdameo brought balls from Spain to cheer up the children in Mercedes, Eastern Samar.

At the recent quarterly lunch of Assumption Alumnae Association (AAA) held at Assumption San Lorenzo in Makati City, my classmates and I were overwhelmed at how our compassionate alumnae truly care for the survivors of Yolanda. Their fervent prayers led them to the realization that the only way for people to get their lives back from utter devastation is to help them. Left on their own, the typhoon survivors they met in Samar will never be able to recover.

As we partook of the delicious Assumption cottage pie, we listened intently to a concrete plan to rebuild a community of lives through a project aptly called Assumption Cares for Mercedes, Eastern Samar. Mely Diaz, a passionate member of the Assumption Cares team, shared through detailed events how God led Assumption to this project.

On Nov. 8, 2013, a day that will live long in our country’s memory, typhoon Yolanda pummeled through the Visayas. One of the most powerful storms ever recorded, it brought devastation that our storm-tossed country had never seen before. Communities, families and lives forever changed.

 The AAA response was immediate. On Nov. 9, a call for help was made through social media. Mielle Esteban, president of the AAA in Madrid, responded and sent their first cash donation. Manila alumnae also began sending in cash. A detailed action plan was laid out, not only for immediate relief, but for a long-term plan to rebuild homes and rehabilitate livelihood. On Nov. 22 the annual One Assumption Bazaar was held at the InterCon hotel where white t-shirts that said “Assumption Cares” were sold out. The following day, the association sent a thousand blankets to Samar through HS ‘87 headed by Margie Duavit. These intrepid alumnae manned a packing center in Greenhills, personally delivered relief goods via a C-130 transport plane to the typhoon survivors. This proves that when Assumption girls set their minds on something, it gets done.  

On Dec. 1, Mielle Esteban of  HS ‘76 flew to Manila from Madrid. Hers was an energizing presence, representing sentiments of our Spain-based alumnae who wanted aid and reconstruction to begin immediately. On Dec. 3, she delivered relief goods to Sandy Romualdez of HS ‘84. Sandy’s Tabang Visayas Foundation distributed these goods in Tacloban and Samar. The following day, AAA sold Christmas cards to raise funds.

Mely said, “Meanwhile Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Soc Villegas announced that his Archdiocese was adopting Guiuan, Eastern Samar. By Dec. 12, most of the press attention was on the heavily populated areas in Tacloban and Ormoc but Eastern Samar, a poor, less populated province was also 97-percent devastated.  

“We prayed hard for discernment and decided to follow the lead of Archbishop Villegas.  We asked him for names of parish priests — the first on the list was Fr. Moses Campo. His parish was St. Francis of Assisi located in Mercedes, a small municipality that had about 1,400 families.  It seemed a perfect match for us. The town is small enough for us to help effectively. We called his cell number and amazingly Fr. Moses answered. He was in the dark, with no electricity surrounded by misery.”

Instantaneously, these noble women made their decision. “We will help you, Father! Assumption will help you!” Mely remembered telling Fr. Moses.

By that time, the group had extra hands to count on. Maricris Zobel and Gina Aboitiz of HS ‘77 had come on board. With them came heart, passion, vision and a can-do spirit.

“Maricris arranged for a private plane to bring us to Mercedes on Dec.15. We were accompanied by our provincial councilor Sister Lerma. What we saw from the air was total devastation. The main church in St. Francis was totally exposed to the elements, the small chapels in the different barangays were in ruins. Five families were sharing one tent. We brought bread, kulambo, solar lights and balls for the children,” Mely said. 

She added, “We expected to see despair, yet we met courteous and considerate people clothed with quiet dignity.”

On Jan. 7, 2014, AAA was invited to attend the private sector meeting.  â€œWe were one small alumnae association alongside the giants of business and industry: SM, Globe, Smart, ICTSI.  This is where Maricris Zobel boldly announced that AAA will be the sectoral sponsor of Mercedes,” Mely said.

“We at Assumption Cares are committed to transforming the devastated lives of 1,400 households or 9,900 people in Mercedes, Eastern Samar. Our vision is a prosperous, healthy, eco-friendly, empowered, dignified, Christ-centered community,” Mely said.

Assumption Cares, through the Assumption Alumnae, endeavors to rebuild the Mercedes community, in partnership with the government, church and local community. It aims to provide the members of the community with their basic needs -— shelter, education and evacuation/community/health centers.

“And we hope to enable them by giving opportunities for alternative livelihood for self-sufficiency and sustainability,” Mely added.

The Assumption Cares team is composed of Gina Aboitiz, Gina Hechanova and Maricris Zobel of HS ‘77; Mielle Esteban de Canedo  and Mely Diaz of HS ‘76; and Marivic Silva HS ‘78, who is the official photographer.

Here’s how we can help in rebuilding the lives of the typhoon Yolanda survivors in Mercedes, according to the members of the Assumption Cares:

1. Construction of community centers/evacuation centers needs P500,000 for each center.

2. Adopt-a-home project needs P60,000 for a single- detached home.

3. Rebuilding of the parish church’s multi-purpose hall and repair of 12 chapels will entail P1 million.

4. To teach the community to earn a living by starting a vegetable garden will cost P5,000 per household for seedlings and gardening tools.

5. To sponsor a teacher in the enhancement program that includes training on skills and value formation, P2,000 is needed per teacher per year.

“Our financial goal is P92 million to cover all we need to do to rebuild the lives of the people of Mercedes. Please join us in our work and together make our big dream come true,” Mely said.

Be inspired by our beloved Assumption foundress, St. Marie Eugenie, who said, “Let us open our hearts and purify them, let us do all things for love and to render to God, through Jesus and Mary, a homage that represents the best use of our gifts.” On her feast day, March 10,  the Assumption Cares team did the groundbreaking at Mercedes.

Indeed, Assumption cares.


(If you wish to help, Assumption Alumnae Association Inc. has a peso account at BPI San Lorenzo branch with account number 001811-0007-91.  Receipts and tax certificates will be issued by AAA. Please call Rose Ocampo at 894-3561.)


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Photos by Marivic Silva


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