Sen Sanchez: Fit and fabulous in her forties

Sen Sanchez is 45 years old. Yes, that body-to-die-for in the photo belongs to a mom in her forties. Sen is a  living proof that women reaching middle age do not necessarily have to give up looking fit, svelte and statuesque.

Sen, a yoga instructor, is the picture of good health and she takes the time and discipline to make sure that her body is in tip-top shape.

“I am happy when I get compliments. It makes me realize that I am doing something right,” Sen says.

“My daily schedule is pretty straightforward. I am up at 5:30 a.m. By 6 a.m., I am doing my pranayama (breath control and regulation exercises) then my Ashtanga yoga practice. My private yoga class begins at 8 a.m., I have one at 4 p.m. and the last one at 6 p.m. I have my freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices in the morning after my own practice. For lunch, I would have the biggest meal of the day, which consists of a big serving of raw vegetarian salad (spinach, romaine lettuce, broccoli, carrots, edamame, some organic cranberries and few slices of apple, raw walnuts and almonds) with a lemon as my dressing or my other favorite, lemon tahini dressing. Then I wash it all out with fresh buko juice. If I have lunch out with friends, I still stick to raw, organic and fresh salad or a bowl of soup or I would also order a fish dish that’s been steamed with just fresh herbs and olive oil. For dinner, I only have vegetable soup or just a salad. I eat a lot of my trail mix for snacks or a fruit and consume alkaline water. I also opt for at-room-temperature water with a slice of lemon, which is the best way to alkalinize drinking water if one is out of town,” Sen shares.

Sen believes that the older a woman gets, the more she should be conscious of what she puts in her body. She advocates mindful and sensible eating. Healthy eating, exercise and a positive psyche are to Sen the keys to optimal living. As such, she purposely surrounds herself with positive and loving people and counts herself blessed to have a tight group of friends and family members.

Her journey towards yoga started when she was experiencing bouts of lower back pain due to stress and depression. A friend invited her to try a Bikram yoga class. This introduction led her to a life-long commitment to yoga.

“Yoga has changed my outlook in life. It is my way of life now. I can really say that yoga brings you back into your centeredness. With your full, deep and even breathing, it can really keep your mind still and detach you from the outside world; only to see the world around you differently with so much good and positive energy, love, patience and compassion when you open your eyes once again.”

Yoga helps the body become more supple and flexible. Since the spine is lengthened, practitioners feel taller and have a lean and fit appearance.

In addition to her yoga sessions, Sen also is an accomplished jewelry designer whose online store 1130 Fashion Accessories is on its eighth year and caters to a loyal clientele of modern women.

When asked about her advice for middle-aged women, Sen has this to share, “Women in their forties or older should not stop redeeming their self-confidence back. Keep discovering more of what you can out from your own self and walk the talk. Continuously love and enhance your self physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Be disciplined. Have a lot of courage, self control to be able to stay on the right track. If you don’t have time to go to a gym or a yoga studio, just do brisk walk or leisure walk in the park. Play your favorite dance music and move, swing  your hips to the beat. You don’t have to pay to get the best things in life; in fact, the best things in life are free.”  


Photography by JOANNE ZAPANTA-ANDRADA • Hair and makeup by RAZ RIMOR (0906-367-3269) • Accessories by 1130 Fashion Accessories


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