Clean, sophisticated works of art

I envy Ronaldo Arnaldo’s full understanding of couture lines. His pieces are clean, sophisticated and — what can I say? — works of art. I could kick myself for not having met Arnaldo earlier but then again, how was a girl to know? Arnaldo has kept himself under the radar, quietly perfecting his craft and working with a small but loyal clientele who advocates for simplicity. During the shoot, I turned Arnaldo’s clothes inside out (one sure way of checking the quality of a couturier’s work) and found the insides to be as immaculate as its exterior. I checked the seams, stitching and fabric. Immaculate. That was when I knew that who I was shooting for was no “flash in the pan” designer. I was working with an artist that day.

In 2003, Arnaldo finished his course in Advanced Pattern Making at the Fashion Institute of the Philippines. His first collection in 2004 was entitled La Loba Negra, featuring a collection of 10 black outfits. He followed this up in 2005 with Sands, an all-gray collection, and promptly opened his atelier in the same year. He has since participated in Philippine Fashion Week’s annual roster of shows, his last collection in 2011 interestingly entitled Opposite Poles Attract.

Arnaldo does not come with bells and whistles nor does he engage in backroom theatrics. He does not have a cadre of assistants and does not drop names. His is a quiet, down-to-earth demeanor and a commitment to be all about work. Many of his clients inform me that Arnaldo is very sensitive to the needs and visions of his clients and gives off an aura that encourages collaboration. He is the embodiment of every woman’s dream designer: an artist that is efficient, has a low tolerance for mediocrity, an understanding of what makes his client beautiful and does not demand ridiculous prices for his work.

“I understand the need to make elaborate, unwearable clothes during shows,” explains Arnaldo. “It is a show after all. But I am all about style, craftsmanship and wearability. Women who come to me understand that simple does not necessarily mean boring. My clients demand quality craftsmanship. Pulido ang gawa. And that is what I give them. I am not driven by making tons of money. I am driven by creating beautiful, quality pieces that bring out the best in every client.”

Fully understood. You had me in quality. This writer is a fan!

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