Star Dream Girl: Francesca Natalia Andrea Jacinto

MANILA, Philippines - “Music has always been my first love,” declares 25-year-old Francesca Natalia Andrea Jacinto. She loves attending concerts and enjoys watching plays, musicals, ballets and operas. “I’ve always been culturally exposed ever since I was five years old.” Not surprising though, as music certainly runs in her blood.

As the eldest child of musician and businessman Ramon Jacinto, Nat has always dreamed of being on stage and performing in front of thousands of people. She has to set aside that dream for now as she is busy helping out in her dad’s radio stations (RJ 100FM and UP 109.9FM). “I am in charge of manning the play list,” she says.

This music aficionado is also into taking pictures and beadwork. Nat says, “Photography has been my hobby ever since I received my first digital camera. I’ve been taking shots of landscapes, flora and fauna, people and anything that catches my eye.” She adds that her interest in beadwork has gotten her into starting a small business. “I create various designs for my accessories and sell them to my friends and to anyone who’s interested,” furthers Nat, who also considers her mom Frannie one of the most influential persons in her life as “I know my mom will always be there for me.”

Since summer has officially begun, Nat is headed to the pristine beaches of Batangas with her friends. If she still has the leisure of time, Nat would also love to hie off to her favorite places on earth — New York and Hawaii. She even recommends must-see places and activities in Hawaii, “If anyone is ever planning to visit Hawaii, I’d recommend going to North Shore for those who love surfing; Diamond Head for people who love the outdoors, like hiking. When you climb up to the very peak of Diamond Head, you will surely get a rewarding view that overlooks the entire area of Waikiki.”

Nat believes that when it comes to one’s dreams in life, nothing is impossible. So, she continues to dream and work hard for that dream. “Five or 10 years from now, I think I’ll still be working, have my own business, earn my own money, live in my own flat and hopefully get married in my thirties.” — Jerni May H. Camposano

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