Dockers spreads the blues

Dockers San Francisco presents an Intimate Night with Nina as she sings All That Jazz on Dec. 27, 7 p.m. at Teatrino, The Promenade Greenhills. Tickets to this special night of music will be given out to a Dockers guy with a minimum purchase of P4,000 on or before Dec. 26. An additional purchase of any Dockers top entitles them to one Exclusive Holiday Jazz CD.

With this Christmas offering, the only blues you will get this season will be beautiful music to your ears.

Indeed, Dockers is sensitive to the needs of the male species. They spent a full year working hard for bigger earnings or a promotion or just simply trying to deal with a slow and more competitive business environment. And you have also spent a lot of time attending to family and pressing obligations. The Christmas season is not only a time for merriment and gift-giving, but also a time to take it easy, relax and de-stress for the everyday man-about-town. Even the dynamic and energetic city guy needs a break.

Dockers does not only understand your fashionable business casual needs but also your need to sit back and unwind. This is exactly what they have in store for the Dockers guy this Christmas. It will not only jazz up your style but also your rest and recreation during this holiday season. 

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