Valerie's victory

Fashion designers, like writers and artists, seek inspiration. It may come in many forms like nature or unusual objects like a lace curtain. It is with the lace curtain as her inspiration that Filipino-Australian fashion designer Valerie Tolosa sought to create a dress worn by Australians and popular celebrities.

In an e-mail interview with the designer, Valerie shares the story of her rise in the Australian fashion scene.

An eye for fashion

Valerie was in kindergarten when her family decided to migrate to Australia. Her love for fashion was already recognized by her mom because she was always wearing clothes made by her grandmother.

“From the age of about three years old, I had to choose what to wear, from the dress to my matching head and feet accessories,” she says. “My grandma had her own dress shop when she was young. She was a very good dressmaker and I loved wearing those beautiful clothes she made for me.”

Knowing that she wanted to become a designer herself, Valerie finished her fashion diploma course at the KvB College in Sydney. Having grown up in Australia, how does she incorporate her Filipino background into her designs?

“I try to incorporate the tropical designs and colors with the Western style. It’s like the blending of cultures resulting in harmonious creations,” she says.

The Ashley Frill Dress

Valerie was just beginning her business when she came up with the Ashley Frill dress. Since making the dress, it has gathered a huge following and worn by famous personalities. How did she come up with the dress?

“It’s true that you never know where and when you get an inspiration. I didn’t have an office then, so I worked from home. Mom had a lace curtain around the house that I started at every time I was thinking or concentrating. The delicate and intricate design captivated me. So I asked my ever supportive mom if I could pull it down and use it in one of my designs. The rest is history as they say. I have designed that dress in about 10 different fabrics in various colors in five seasons now, and it’s still selling,” she informs.

But before hitting with the Ashley dress, the designer also had her struggles in making her business.

“There were so many challenges at different stages. I was young and didn’t have a car when I started. Money, time and extra hands were always needed for the so many things to be done. My family and friends were very supportive. There was always someone to lend a hand,” she narrates.

She slowly rose in the fashion world and has been fortunate to showcase her works in the Australian Fashion Week. I ask the designer how she feels about participating in a huge crowd and the comparison between Melbourne and Sydney.

“It was fun, exciting and nerve-wracking, all at the same time. Sydney’s Fashion Week is bigger than Melbourne. Both are getting more sophisticated and amazing but still retaining our well known laid back and casual chic style. Other Fashion Weeks from New York, Milan, London and Paris are still setting the trends and are definitely more eclectic and outlandish,” she says.

She also shares that she would love every woman to have a Valerie Tolosa piece.

“A woman wearing a VT creation looks great and feels good,” is how she would describe a woman wearing her piece.

She cites Marc Jacob as her favorite fashion designer. Her clothes have been worn by celebrities such as Victoria Secret model Miranda Kerr, former Ms. Universe Jennifer Hawkins, Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie and Kate Hudson.

A designer to watch out for

Aside from famous personalities, Valerie’s creations have been featured in various Australian publications. Marie Claire Australia has even dubbed her as a designer to watch out for. How does she feel about this?

“I feel proud and humbled at the same time. To be given the vote of confidence by Marie Claire is a great honor indeed.”

As for Filipinos making it to the international fashion scene, Valerie is optimistic about the idea.

“(It’s) very positive. Filipinos are naturally creative and hardworking, so there’s a good chance of surviving in a very competitive industry,” she says.

 The designer notes that she would love to bring her clothes to the Philippines.

“I am open to any shops in the Philippines who would be interested. Please get in touch.”

And for those who want to make it to the international scene, this is what the designer has to say: “Go for it! Work hard and believe in yourself. Do not let a few problems and disappointments stop you from pursuing your dream,” she shares.

From a curtain that inspired her to showing her collection in Fashion Week and being recognized in the Australian fashion scene, Valerie Tolosa has definitely come a long way.

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