Isis and the third eye

The new modalities of healing fuse together the mind and body. Everything that is the state of the body is now believed to have stemmed from a thought, from energies projected by the mind. Dis-ease in both emotional and mental states is predominant in the world today as man continues to battle ego issues. Yes, ego, that shadow side of us that centers us only in the values of the world — of the personality and all that it desires. The result of ego’s dynamics with the world has seen the rise of emotional blockages and issues; and stuck patterned behaviors which are often negative and self-destructive based on past experiences. If we are of the mindset that the world we are experiencing around us is also the world we have created by our mass thoughts, then we see the full effect of our mind’s folly as wars, destruction, poverty and the ills of nature, man and society overflow in some form of crisis. That the world is in crisis is not the issue. This is a given. That we can do something about its state is generally accepted already. And at the root of all these attempts at change and healing is the fact that we must and can only begin working with ourselves.

We have to consciously step on the path of self-transformation. There are no other options now. We have to learn to develop a more acute awareness and inner clarity. This is if we want to create changes in the messed-up world we are in. When we look outside for ways to help us transform, we are bombarded by the numerous techniques available around. Spiritual and alternative therapies abound.

People ask me which process is the best to go for. As I am a generalist, my response has always been... there are many ways up the mountain, choose your own path, follow it, try everything that seems to come your way, but always synthesize and integrate this in your life. Never be afraid to try something new.

One of the techniques of attaining inner clarity is Isis and the Clairvision technique developed by Dr. Samuel Sagan, M.D. in the ‘80s. Isis is no Egyptian goddess but is the acronym for Inner Space Interactive Sourcing. At the core of its methodology is meditation on the inner space of the third eye. The third eye in reality is the pineal gland located at the area between the eyebrows. This gland is occasionally associated with the sixth chakra (also called Ajna or the third eye chakra in yoga) believed by some to be a dormant organ that can be awakened to enable “telepathic” communication. It has been called many names: The Spiritual Doorway, the connection to the Realms of Thought, even the Seat of the Soul. The third eye, when activated, brings inner vision (what has also been called the “light in the head”). There are techniques to open this gland and it begins by setting out ego and personality aside and keeping our mental energy intact. We can become conscious of the non-physical, our inner self, the subconscious, through different practices. Isis is one such practice.

The “Interactive” aspect of the technique is that it requires some form of partnership — where one person sits with a facilitator (called “connector”). And “Sourcing” refers to the direction of the process which is to find the sources of present emotional blockages and conditioned behavior.  This leads to major releases of latent emotional charges and spiritual realizations. It is, in essence, a healing therapy that focuses the mind’s awareness in the present.  Isis facilitators today, like the ancient and oldest oracle of Delphi, not to mention many masters of various spiritual traditions and the seekers of heightened consciousness, always state that the purpose of such therapies is to know yourself, here and now. This “knowing” is all about healing one’s inner state and exploring various levels of consciousness beyond the scope of the ordinary mind. Isis is one such systematic framework.

Isis may sound esoteric to many readers. It is, however, a no-nonsense step by step systematic approach at seeing reality “just as it is.” When we see the here and now awakened, we move away from ego and have greater control of our emotional reactions and mental judgments. We make choices that are clearer and our soul, and not the ego, begins to direct our life.

(Helma Schipper, instructor from the Clairvision Retreat Center in Hidden Valley, Australia, will be conducting a series of workshops. Awakening the Third Eye Workshop will be held on June 16 and 17 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the 13th floor of ABS-CBN’s ELJCC Building, Mother Ignacia St., Quezon City. On June 19 to 24, there will be an Isis intensive in Pampanga. For information, please call Tetchie at 0920-8519717.)

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