Get on with the program

Ever wonder how models have supple skin and sculptured bodies? It’s because they have discipline. They go to the gym religiously and follow a regimen that will benefit both their skin and body. They follow a specific diet depending on their body type’s needs. They know that proper diet and exercise result in good and healthy skin. It’s true that it really is not that easy to change your lifestyle right away. But if you have enough will to do it, then you’ll see great results. Models adhere to the saying "No pain, no gain."

I’ve never seen a much workout addict than celebrity/model/host Angel Jacob. She works out every day! Have you seen her toned and well-maintained body? After work, she takes a nap in the car and goes straight to the gym. She spins and does boxing aerobics, body sculp training and yoga. She follows a no-carb, no-sugar, no-junk, no-fried food diet. She eats fruits as her source of natural sugar and wheat-based pasta and bread for carbohydrates. Don’t worry, she "treats" herself once in a while. She does not deprive herself that much. I know that model Isabel Roces goes on a strict fruit juice and soy diet. She also regularly goes to the gym. Isabel is a vegetarian so she follows a very different diet. This is also why she maintains her healthy glowing skin. Model Raya Mananquil follows a healthy and balanced vegetarian diet and avoids salty food making her already great skin even healthier. This is why when you see them either in photos or in person, their skin gives a radiant flow. These beauties know how to do it right so if you want to be like them, try following a routine suited to your lifestyle.

Professional models prepare for shoots especially for underwear jobs or campaigns. They each have their own diet and exercise programs that they religiously follow. My fashion styling professor in Central St. Martins in London said, "Why do you think models look grouchy all the time? They don’t eat!" Models deprive themselves of the simple things that we mortals take so much pleasure on savoring – desserts! They would not eat these "pleasure" foods as often as we do but, sometimes, they "cheat" when they don’t go on a specific training or diet. They usually take about two weeks of strict diet and exercise to prepare for body shots. After their shoot, they reward themselves with a good or a "not-so-good meal." Models like Nicholas Cacciavillani starts his breakfast with four egg yolks mixed with orange juice and goes on a low-carb diet. Model Robby Mananquil goes to the gym and does yoga regularly and, when preparing for shoots, goes on a low-carb diet. Celebrities like Mark Nelson and Diether Ocampo go on a protein diet and regularly visit the gym. I once asked John Hall about his diet and he said he eats everything. He loves to eat burgers but he burns calories easily by regularly working out and playing basketball. The secret to keeping those carbs off is by burning them with a good cardio workout.

With proper diet, your preferred training program will be more effective. It’s not how much we eat that makes us fat; it’s what we eat. Studies have shown that limiting our carbohydrate intake can cause substantial weight loss. The Zone, Atkins, Sugar Busters and South Beach Diet are just few of the many low-carb eating plans that have helped stars like Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt, Sarah Jessica Parker, Cindy Crawford and Bill Clinton to shed unwanted pounds. I know this sounds a little too strict on the carbohydrates but where can you find the good carbs? Our body also needs carbohydrates to give us energy. Buck wheat noodles or pasta, brown rice and wheat, and soy bread are the good carbs. Remember though that these diet programs should be catered to your body needs and with the training program you are in.

I have noticed that most models eat five to six small meals a day. This way, they are training their stomach’s capacity to hold small amounts of food making them feel full and satisfied fast. With this, they also help their body’s metabolism to continuously work. Eating large quantity of food once a day and starving yourself for the rest of the day is not good at all. You’re training your stomach for large amounts of food. This can make you feel less satisfied leading you to eat more.

A few years back, I bumped into Tweetie de Leon when she was on her way to do taebo. She got me hooked into this program with our great trainer Vanessa Hernandez. I did this workout for a while. When our trainer moved to the US, I panicked. Luckily, Angel Jacob got me into aeroboxing at Red Corner. Our trainer, Doy Sta. Ana, gives a great program in boxing aerobics. He says, "The advantage of cardio kickboxing is that it tones your whole body because it is an over all, whole body workout. It gives a high-calorie burning workout."

Doy suggests that with this kind of exercise, it is better to have five small meals a day. He adds, "Breakfast is important. If there is no food in the stomach, this will cause your metabolism to slow down. Taking small meals will help speed up your metabolism. If your metabolism is constantly working, you’re body won’t store fats."

I have to admit I’m more biased to boxing. This form of combative arts has a primal lure that everyone feels but few understand. Among the several forms of combative training – from boxaerobics to taebo – that have enjoyed acceptance within the fitness and conditioning field, one of the most popular forms has been boxing training. It’s easy to learn, inexpensive to participate in and interest to this training crosses all social and gender lines. Trainers find that incorporating boxing into their client’s workouts adds diversity to their training, enhances performance and improves client retention. A key benefit from boxing training is the smooth coordination of multiple muscle systems for the expression of power. There is a distinct sound and feel when you hit a punching bag with correct form. Your hand and the bag or training paddle have a "sweet spot" and when you hit it right, you feel so good. You’ll get addicted to this, I promise you.

My trainer at Elorde Gym, Rey Pelonia, eats everything. He follows no diet but regularly works out. He has competed in boxing matches in Australia, Canada, Japan, Russia, Korea, Thailand, China and Indonesia. He is also a WBF champion. Can you imagine how this guy is training me? Rey says boxing is the most extensive workout training among all athletes. If you have seen the movie Rocky, then you have an idea how serious and extensive their workouts are. Boxers would jog every day for one to two hours and would constantly do ab workouts. They concentrate on ab workout because it strengthens the abdominal area needed for protection against the opponent’s punches.

Another form of workout training you can choose is Pilates. If you like Samantha’s body in Sex and the City, then you may want to try Pilates. It aims to restore great strength and balance. It dramatically improves posture and is also a very good way in releasing stress. It is also one of the safest forms of exercise today. Demi Moore did an extensive army training program to get the body she needed for GI Jane. Madonna, who did lots of weight training program and ran two miles every day to achieve a toned body, is now into yoga. Oprah Winfrey has a personal trainer and used to run about a mile every day and would use the stairs instead of the elevator to get to her Harpo office. Hilary Swank’ s Million Dollar Baby body was ultimately achieved by the fabulous boxing program. A healthy lifestyle is the reason these celebrities have good healthy skin.

These Hollywood stars have their own nutritionists and chefs who prepare good food for them without the bad fats. Good fats provide a concentrated source of energy in the diet. They also provide the building blocks of cell membrane, hormones and prostaglandine. You can go through these in detail by surfing online or by reading diet books.

Another program that is very effective is yoga. Yoga is a Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility. This consists of a system of exercises practiced as part of the discipline to promote control of the body and mind. This is why yoga is so effective as a workout. This form of program is a totally different level in itself. Personally, I think we all need this form of "peace" found in yoga. It greatly helps destress our mind and body. No wonder yoga is a favorite among Hollywood celebrities.

If you want a good healthy body and radiant skin, you need to eat right and live a healthy lifestyle. Remember that the food you put in your body also affects the condition of your skin. Good, healthy food also means good, healthy skin. When you sweat, you detoxify. Regular work out will make you feel less lousy and sluggish; you’ll exude a different aura. It really is a win-win situation. Eat in moderation and exercise. No more excuses this time. There are so many different kinds of exercises you can choose from. So, what are you waiting for? Get on with the program.

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