Soul-itude talk

A reader named Chris sent me this e-mail: "I have a dear friend who is in a coma. If she is her soul, I want to know where she is right now. Is it possible for me to communicate with her? Would she know that I am the one communicating with her? Is remote healing just a matter of imagining her getting well? I think my spiritual level is not advanced so how can I help her." The fate of Chris’ friend brings to mind the celebrated case of American Terri Schiavo, 41, who has been "comatose" for the last 15 years after she suffered from a heart attack that left her brain-damaged. Terri died last Thursday, two weeks after her feeding tube was removed.

God works in mysterious ways. The ways of the spirit are not the same as the ways of the world, Chris. When we try to understand with our finite mind the workings of God, it can either get us so confused or send our minds reeling beyond what we can understand. More mysterious is an individual soul’s choice/s. The kind of life it has agreed to come into when it made a sacred covenant with God and the Universe that it will be born into a physical body with a personality, with many connections to other souls in this lifetime. These relationships will be marked by either joy or pain, but all of them will give the soul the opportunity to grow in wisdom and spiritual understanding. That is, if the soul chooses to learn and grow as everyone is given Free Will by God.

Each soul’s contract with God is so unique, pertaining to the evolutionary lessons it must learn in this lifetime, as that personality, in that one precious, precious physical body. Sometimes, the contract includes pain, sickness, heartbreak, dealing with karmic lessons that are truly so painful. For some souls, they may choose to go into coma, that vegetal state where the physical body continues its bodily functions, but where the mind and consciousness go off somewhere as ours do during our deep sleep every night. Except that people who are comatose do not awaken.

Where then is the soul? I believe that in God’s Universe, there are a multitude of dimensions which we cannot even begin to understand. These are states where no time exists, states that vibrate at higher or lower frequencies compared to our three-dimensional physical world. Our consciousness, during dream states or altered states of consciousness can enter these other dimensions. For a person in coma, I believe his/her soul is existing in another dimension, hovering near his/her body, perhaps once in a while, coming in and out of his/her inert body. A comatose person chooses to continue learning his/her lessons not in the body, but still connected to it, and connected to the earth plane and to the people in their lives, like family and friends. We likewise do not know the karmic connection this person may have to each and every member of his/her family or caretaker. Maybe the lesson is as simple as learning love despite the situation, and caring for the physical body’s needs like medical attention, feeding it, cleaning it and keeping it going like a machine.

The soul in that other plane may be learning lessons to further advance his/her understanding of his/her own process and God’s world. He/she may also be learning lessons by watching his/her loved ones in the three-dimensional earth plane. All I know is that for as long as there are emotional and psychic connections that strongly connect the soul with a person or people in the earth plane, then the soul may choose to stay on.

Chris, your emotional connection to your friend will make it easier to connect to her, even if you are far apart physically. Remember, the laws of the spirit world are not the same as that of the physical world. What is present in both worlds, however, is energy. Thought is energy. When you think of her and send her healing light, she will know these thoughts are from you. You can do this by going into deep prayer, meditation or dream. Consciously tell yourself that you will connect with her in that other dimensions and let her know some of your thoughts. Anyone can do this. You need not be a psychic or a powerful healer. All of us have this power when we attune to the highest, purest part of ourselves where God resides. It is the power of the Divine and the power of the Holy, Sacred Spirit.

Send her thoughts, even ask her why she continues to remain in that state. Ask her how you can help her either to move on if she is ready, or to come back to her body. If you have a chance to be near her, talk to her physical body. (I have a doctor friend who literally talked his wife out of a coma.) Her etheric body (that unseen force shield around the physical body) will carry your thoughts, messages and wishes to her cell memories. Her soul will hear you. Be very conscious of the energies you project. They may be longing or painful thoughts, healing or loving thoughts. All these energies will be transmitted to the ethers to reach beings and souls in other dimensions and planes. All things are interconnected and we must be responsible for the thoughts and energies we release into the ethers.

Help her. Connect with her and help her. By you sending me an e-mail may likewise mean that she is putting those thoughts there for you to connect with her. The journey of our soul spans many dimensions and is timeless and spaceless. It is only in our physical form that we create limitations. Obviously, your connection to her, even if only emotional or in the mind, already speaks of a karmic connection. You feel responsible to try to do something.

Good luck Chris, and do not be afraid. When love is there (not the romantic love but compassionate love that seeks the betterment of the other person with no selfish wants of needs), only healing and greater love can happen. Just continue to send loving thoughts to her that will continue the healing. After quieting down and bringing yourself to a meditative prayerful state, invoke the presence of God, then visualize these in your inner eye: Baby pink clouds surrounding her. Pink is the color of the heart chakra (or energy center) where the energy of love emanates from. Alternate this with green light which is the color of healing. Create a beautiful rainbow around her image, as you see her in your inner eye. Remote healing is not just about imagining her getting well, but knowing that your faith, merged with the spirit, is empowering and healing her. It is not about imagination but believing with faith, and letting God’s power work through you. And this is when miracles begin to happen.

(Note: As of this writing, Chris e-mailed me again with news that the girl in the US woke up from her coma but with no memory.)
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