
Inbox World

Do you enjoy watching Filipino telenovelas? Why or why not?


Col Ben Paguirigan Jr., Ret., Zamboanga City: Of course we do enjoy watching some Filipino telenovelas. No choice. ’Yan ang gusto ng mga bata sa nag-iisang TV set namin.

Eufrocino Linsangan, Isabela: Sorry, but because of boring and repetitive ads, I don’t watch telenovelas. I prefer watching movies from HBO or Cinemax.

Their plots are all the same

Rose Leobrera, Manila: I dislike telenovelas because they tend to have just one story line. Once it clicks and receives positive feedback from viewers, rest assured of a long drama and more guests filling in to support its commercial value. The result is a story going nowhere that deviates from the original story. Can’t they think of other shows besides these telenovelas?

Noel Navales, Makati City: No, through the decades, Pinoy telenovelas have been recycling the same predictable, retarded slow plots and unrealistic “woe-is-me” dialogues and storylines that insult the intelligence of the thinking Pinoy.

Manuel Abejero, Pangasinan: Same themes, same plot, only different actors and settings and worse, nakakainsulto sa mga nag-iisip. Some are even pornographic.

Ernesto F. Oliquiano, Las Pinas City:  No, I don’t. Watching them is like watching the movies of yesteryears. The plot hasn’t changed at all. I don’t think viewers can get any moral values from watching them. I don’t think we can blame the TV networks for airing these telenovelas, though, as these stories click with the viewers. Filipinos are sentimental by nature and their lives are also full of drama, sufferings and miseries that they are able to relate to these telenovelas.

Desuel Pardo, Mandaluyong City: I could hardly stand watching telenovelas because most of them are commercialized by sexy fantasy stories played by overnight buildup actors and actresses with no good story to tell.

Elmo Cruz, Manila: I am fond of watching Filipino movies but lately, I could hardly afford cinema tickets so I watch telenovelas as an alternative. I could hardly enjoy telenovelas, though, as the plot is usually inane.

Erwin Espinoza, Pangasinan: I don’t like Pinoy telenovelas especially those produced by ABS-CBN. Tunog lata kasi ang musical background at puro iyakan o tilian ang tema.

J.R. Mondonedo Jr., Parañaque City: I don’t watch telenovelas because I find them very predictable. I also notice that most parts are crying and too sentimental. The majority of Filipinos or the masa enjoy the crying scenes because these mirror their real lives.

My wife religiously watches them

William Gonzaga, Marikina City: Naturally, since my wife religiously watches them, so I have no choice but to share her favorite evening pastime. As my preferred sleeping nook is our living room, pre- and post-Ondoy, then I watch her TV fare until Morpheus casts his spell over me.

Renato Taylan, Ilocos Norte: Yes, I’m forced to enjoy watching telenovelas just to be with my wife who is already addicted to them.

Luisito Vallo, Pangasinan: I am not really into telenovelas but sometimes I’m forced to watch it as my wife and daughter are big fans. But once, I was captivated and engrossed with one titled Encantadia because of its beautiful settings, effects and storyline.

I prefer news and information channels

Concepcion Gaspar, Laoag City: Not so. I prefer switching the channel to TV Patrol, DZMM and ANC because they feed me with current news, live talk shows and other topics that are educational and informative.

Maricel Maralit, Naga City: Not anymore. As I grow older, I tend to veer away from telenovelas. Their predictable plot bores me. I prefer watching the news and public affairs programs.

Cris Rivera, Rizal: No, I appreciate documentaries more such as those conveying the heroism of WW II Filipino soldiers in defending Bataan.

Rodolfo Talledo, Angeles City: No, I have a hard time relating with the world of fantasy and make-believe. I usually go to newsmakers, geographical and historical channels.

Pedro Alagano Sr., Vigan City: I’m still following Agua Bendita but not the whole Primetime Bida anymore. With the availability of multi-channel CATV, I’m more hooked on sports, documentaries and news channels and selected movies on HBO, StarMovies, Hollywood etc. Lately, with Internet connections, I also get busy surfing the net and playing FarmVille on Facebook.

Ruel Bautista, Laguna: Sorry, but I find it a waste of time. I’d rather watch Discovery or National Geographic Channel instead to keep abreast with what’s happening around us.

Johann Lucas, Quezon City: I’m not really into telenovelas as I go for documentaries and crime busters.

I’d rather read a good book

Jose Fabello Jr., Cagayan de Oro City: No, I’d rather read a book. If I don’t understand the story the first time I can always reread the earlier chapters.

They’re a waste of time

Romeo Caubat, Masbate: No, watching telenovelas is just a waste of time for me. A law graduate, a senior citizen at that, can’t be watching telenovelas.

Ella Arenas, Pangasinan: I don’t watch telenovelas, Filipino or whatever. It’s just a waste of time. I prefer news broadcasts, local and foreign.

Patrick Miranda, Marikina City: Telenovelas are just a waste of time except, perhaps, in that one where ‘Santino’ was in. I’d rather watch National Geographic, History Channel, Animal Planet or Discovery.

C.B. Manalastas, Manila: Never, I’d rather read Phil. STAR or watch news reports than waste my time on nonsense telenovelas.

Rey Onate, Palayan City: Sorry, but for a decade now, I have not seen a telenovela that reinforces any positive contribution for the development of our culture. Ang mga script, puro sigawan. The actors and actresses are all fine-looking, pa-cute lang, ho-hum naman ang acting. I am not amused by pilit na acting and mediocre production of art. It is pure commercialism and conglomeration of physical beauty.

Carmela Ramento, Cagayan de Oro City: Most Filipinos watch telenovelas for a variety of reasons, foremost of which is to momentarily forget the hardships one has to go through in life. I, for one , have better things to do with my time other than watch.

Good to watch actors and actresses

Mark Anthony Romero, Marikina City: I do, not really because of the plot, but more because of the artists. Most of our Filipino actors and actresses do exceptional artistry in their own way on TV. I’m proud of them. Not everybody can just do what they do.

Telenovelas are not mentally challenging

Gerii Calupitan, Muntinlupa City:  Whenever my wife, kids and daughter-in-law watch inane telenovelas, I amuse myself by pre-empting the characters’ dialogues. Pinoy films do damage by being stupid. Compared to foreign TV serials like 24, NCIS, etc., telenovelas are less mentally challenging than Sesame Street or Sponge Bob. No wonder Erap almost won again.

They have good storylines

Lucas Madamba III, USA: Yes, I enjoy watching Filipino telenovelas because these can give lessons on Filipino values as well as Philippine educational perspectives.

Armando Tavera, Las Piñas City: Maganda ang mga telenovela ng ABS-CBN. Entertaining and at the same time one could learn from the stories presented.

Germi Sison, Cabanatuan City: I enjoy watching telenovelas with good stories and morals to impart. I watched “Valiente” in 1994, but did not see the end when I went abroad in 1996. The other telenovela was “Kung Mawawala Ka”, a story of a politician who had three wives and two of his kids were the villains. The most recent one that I enjoyed watching was “Santino”, a story of a young boy who had a personal contact with Jesus Christ. As of now I could not find good telenovelas as they are cheap and too commercialized by sex scenes.

Telenovelas lack positive values

Leonard Villa, Batac City: No, because most Filipino telenovelas glorify hatred, revenge and intrigue and lack positive values. I’d rather read good books and magazines.

Dino Monzon, Caloocan City: No, telenovelas never have positive family values, promote immorality, have stereotypical characters and vapid love teams. They should be banned from TV.

Joel Caluag, Bulacan: I hate telenovelas. Who wants to watch screaming, cursing, slapping, hair-pulling, crying, etc.? No wonder Filipinos suffer from a telenovela mentality.

Edwin Chinel Monares, Rizal: Unless the theme of these Filipino telenovelas are not changed to themes that would educate the Filipinos to veer away from corruption, dignify labor, promote hard work, stop discrimination, promote justice and other positive traits in the Filipinos, I will not watch these telenovelas.

They depict real-life situations

Dr. Jose Balcanao, Benguet: I enjoy watching Filipino telenovelas because they depict real-life situations where one can take a look at oneself for a change of values and attitudes. Most telenovelas depict greed of power and wealth. Some, however, depict that love is not a commodity for sale. Some remind us that absolute power corrupts and that the end justifies the means. All such telenovelas makes us realize that the good always conquers the bad. I watch telenovelas because I want moral reformation to start within.

Not very realistic

Dennis Montealto, Mandaluyong City: It’s not very realistic. Characters don’t get sweat, don’t get hungry, don’t get thirsty. They seem to have problems all the time. No, I am not a fan of telenovelas.

Ruben Viray, Antipolo City: Yes, but only a chosen few. Telenovelas nowadays are no longer realistic compared to real life and I find them suitable only for entertainment. Most of them portray broken families and love triangles, and that is bad for the young. Seldom do you find good telenovelas for watching. Lastly, more airtime is devoted to TV commercials than to the telenovela itself, and this is what I hate most.

Jim Veneracion, Naga City: Though telenovelas take up my spare time, they most of the time don’t picture reality and might be a bad influence to the public.

I’ve stopped watching

Marlene Damolo Howe, Tacoma, WA: I stopped following telenovelas last year because I got addicted to them and when I went out of state for a month, my husband had to record them and mail me the DVD every single day. It was becoming an addiction.

Frank Villaroman, General Santos City: The characters in almost all telenovelas all over the world are stunning and great but I guess the captive audience becomes dormant and depressed once they view these things most of the time until the lead character becomes the victor in the end of the series, which take them months to watch and follow. I can’t afford to watch a single telenovela lest I get glued.

Crass commercialism

Leandro Tolentino, Batangas City: No, they are mostly trash literature where plots are written almost always at the whim of sponsors in cahoots with the director of the telenovela.

They’re not my type

Ishmael Calata, Parañaque City: I don’t enjoy telenovelas especially the tearjerking kind. For one thing, I find no time to follow the series and for another, I prefer watching those that are shown in channels like History, Discovery, National Geographic, ESPN, Sportsworld, etc. In times past when the family was still intact and the children were young (every child now has a family of his or her own), we used to watch telenovelas. But through each showing I would doze off in boredom as I could almost predict the next episodes or what happened next in the day’s chapter showing. To be able to view my own favorite shows, I had another TV set installed in our bedroom.

Elpidio Que, Vigan: Telenovelas are sad movies that make people weep. They are more of life’s valleys. As I am currently in a life valley, why should I aggravate my sadness? I’d rather watch Bubble Gang.

Lolong Rejano Marinduque: No, ever since we got our first black-and-white TV in the province a long time ago, I have never enjoyed watching telenovelas. The most I dislike from these telenovelas are the ‘iyakan’. Stories are recycled, too.

They’re mere adaptations.

Chris Navarro, Las Piñas City: No, they are just mere copycats of American, Latin, Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean telenovelas or cheap remakes of original Filipino classics.

Ric Vergara, Calamba: No, I find Filipino telenovelas boring. Gaya-gaya na, overacting pa!

Lydia Reyes, Bataan: I don’t enjoy watching Filipino telenovelas. Kopya lang ang karamihan sa mga foreign telenovelas. If revival naman, sobra sa violence.

I do so in my spare time

Erlinda Cenzon, Laguna: If one has nothing better to do, better watch telenovelas.

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NEXT INBOX QUESTION: What measures can help Pres. Aquino better manage the country’s huge P340-billion budget deficit?

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