
Inbox World

In your opinion, is Noynoy as popular as surveys indicate?


Rico Fabello, Parañaque City: Ninoy is a legend. Cory is an icon. Yellow has always been a bright and lively color. Anybody who associates himself with these components is bound to be popular.  

Ricardo Tolentino, Laoag City: Yes, many credible surveys have remained almost unchanged for a long time now. Noynoy’s image as Mr. Clean is his advantage against his opponents in the presidency.  

Thanks to his parents

Col. Ben Paguirigan Jr., Ret., Zamboanga City: His parents, President Cory and Senator Ninoy, enjoy immense popularity. If Senator Noynoy is popular, it’s because of our respect and reverence for his parents.  

Jim Veneracion, Naga City: The popularity of his parents has rubbed off on Noynoy. Added to this is that the Cory magic is still alive. Hopefully, it will win him the election.  

Fortunato Aguirre, Bulacan: Yes, because he’s riding on his parents’ legacy. Ninoy’s and Cory’s popularity buoys Noynoy’s.  

Leandro Tolentino, Batangas City: Yes, as he is gifted with two popular parents and a sister. It’s not the only gauge, however, to win elections. There is also such a thing as competence.  

Ellinoih Duran, Cabanatuan City: Yes, he’s popular because of his parents. It doesn’t guarantee, though, that he can handle our country.  

Luisito Vallo, Pangasinan: He’s popular because he’s the son of Cory and Ninoy, not because he has charisma or has done anything that has had a great impact on Filipinos. He’s only capitalizing on the names of his parents to win the presidency. I just hope that voters would see that he is neither Cory nor Ninoy.  

Ignacio Anacta, Metro Manila: It’s possible that Noynoy is as popular as the survey indicates. However, it’s a fact that he became popular not because of his own accomplishments, but because of his late parents, who were both immensely popular.  

Chris Navarro, Las Piñas City: Yes, it’s because of the sacrifices of his parents. Moral of the story: Your parents’ best legacy is not money, but a good name. Mikey, Luli, Dato, Bongbong, Irene, and Imee ought to take note.  

Germi Sison, Cabanatuan City: Yes, Noynoy Aquino is as popular as surveys indicate, but he owes it to his late illustrious father, Sen. Benigno S. Aquino Jr., who carved a name for himself, and later, his mother, the late Pres. Cory Aquino. Were it not for them, Noynoy would only be a face in the crowd and not the man on stage. As God’s blessing to long-suffering but prayerful Filipinos, he may turn out to be the lowest-profile but most effective and most incorruptible President of the Philippines.  

Edwin Monares, San Mateo, Rizal: It is apparent that the popularity is just a spillover of the popularity of his parents, Ninoy and Cory, which may not last long.  

Ric Vergara, Calamba City: I think so. Noynoy is popular mainly because of Ninoy and Cory. Sana naman magmana siya sa kanyang mga magulang!  

Kris gives his popularity a boost

Mark Kevin Santos, Nueva Ecija: We cannot deny the fact that Noynoy is very popular among Filipinos. Maybe this owes to the legacy of his parents plus the popularity of his sister Kris, who supported him through TV ads with the help of her friends in the entertainment industry. I think Noynoy still has a lot to prove, though.  

Alexander Raquepo, Ilocos Sur: He’s popular because of his parents and actress-sister. This popularity, I think, is not enough to propel our country to a better socio-economic situation. He should stay out of the shadows of his parents and sister and create his own popularity, so to speak.  

Loi Castillo, Davao City: Yes, Noynoy is popular because of his parents and Kris Aquino. Had the election happened immediately after Cory died, he would have scored a landslide win. A lot of our countrymen are mostly attached to telenovelas, so the tide of sympathy works in his favor.  

Cory’s death made him popular

Juan Deveraturda, Zambales: Noynoy may be popular, but popularity does not necessarily translate into votes. Besides, he is popular now because of the death of his mother. Filipinos may be sympathetic and emotional, but come election time, they will still vote based on track record and competence.  

Ishmael Q. Calata, Parañaque City: Yes, everybody is talking about him as he has suddenly become popular. Before the death of former President Cory Aquino, he was never a factor in the political scene despite his stint in the Lower House, where his name was never in the line-up of top congressmen, if I remember correctly, and in the Senate, where his face was never seen on TV in all those investigations and in interpolations on important issues. If this popularity can be translated into an overwhelming win for him and he becomes our next president, I only hope he will be able to stop graft and corruption by first seeing to it that those around him  partymates and relatives  will not meddle or be involved in this nefarious activity that has destroyed the moral fiber of our nation! And, can he please reverse his stand on the Reproductive Health Bill, wherein the proponents blame poverty on our high population growth and not on unabated corruption in our country?  

Manuel Abejero, Pangasinan: Yes, he is. You saw it in the funeral cortege of Pres. Cory.  

Villar is catching up

L.C. Fiel, Quezon City: So far, surveys indicate that he is popular, but can he maintain his lead? Villar, who used to lead the pack before Noynoy’s entry, is now recovering from his setback.  

Rene Poder, Manila: Yes, he’s popular, but Villar is catching up in our usual “beauty contest”.  

Lots of people support him

Louella Brown, Baguio City: In my opinion, Noynoy is as popular as surveys indicate. He has numerous silent supporters here and abroad.  

Lucas Banzon Madamba II, USA: Yes, Noynoy is popular since he has lots of people supporting him.  

R. Los Baños, Las Piñas City: Indeed he is. Therein lies the danger because we have another Erap wannabe whose only ticket to Malacañang is popularity. His backers are trying to offset his incompetence for the job with their flagship platform of governance of “Hindi ako magnanakaw,” a play on their long running propaganda trying to picture the current occupants of Malacañang as out and out thieves.  

Not really

Erwin Espinoza, Pangasinan: Noynoy is not as popular as surveys indicate. Mediocre siya sa performance as a legislator. Paid surveys lang siguro.  

Rey Onate, Palayan City: No, he is not popular, particularly here in our place. Removing two letters in Noynoy can summarize it: No-no!  

Richard Decena, Quezon City: Not as popular as surveys indicate. Sawang sawa lang po kasi ang mga mamamayan sa garapalang pandarambong ng mga taong gobyerno.  

Jun Sevilla, Quezon City: They should survey those 22 years old and below. This age group does not know Cory. How much less Noynoy? They comprise a big percentage of voters.  

Cris Rivera, Rizal : Yes, but it’s a borrowed popularity.  

His popularity is dropping

Lolong Rejano, Marinduque: I believe he is the most popular presidentiable. This is why he leads the surveys though I have my reservations. I can sense Noynoy has worries because of the alarming drop in his popularity as the elections approach. I’ve heard people say he cannot make it as winner because of the trapos behind him.  

Ruben Viray, Antipolo City: It’s obvious. If elections were held now, he’d be our new leader. Let us be reminded, however, that the actual elections is still months away and the populace still has the final say. I wish he maintains his standing and his popularity until the actual voting. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and wish him good luck.  

Some surveys are slanted

Herculano Babatido, Misamis Oriental: No, surveys are manipulated to influence and create a brainwashing effect. Aquino is being promoted by experts and influential PR firms.  

Eufrocino Linsangan, Pangasinan: Surveys can be easily manipulated and Noynoy’s camp is masipag magpa-survey to condition the minds of voters.  

Lorenzo Fernandez Jr., Cabanatuan City: Oh, yeah, but that’s on the premise that such surveys are impartial and not slanted to favor Noynoy. I can’t help being skeptical about surveys sometimes. Some are really fake!  

Gerii Calupitan, Muntinlupa City: If popularity were a guarantee for winning, then Noynoy would win by a landslide; that is, if all who will vote for Gibo, Villar, Erap, Gordon, Jamby et al. perish in a landslide. Those who want favorable results pay for surveys. I’d rather make my final choice when it’s time to cast my ballot. Gibo is my last choice. William Esposo asked, “Why spend P1 billion to win a P45K/month job, unless you are a would-be plunderer? Why not? Think of the fringe benefits, power, fame and wealth the highest position in the land brings.” Noynoy doesn’t need these, so why run?  

Rey Ibalan, Antipolo City: I don’t think so. The surveys were possibly sourced from mostly Cory and Ninoy supporters and do not reflect Noynoy’s popularity.  C.B. Manalastas, Manila

Noynoy is only popular to those who said yes to the survey.  

Dianne Aquino, Caloocan City: No, I personally don’t think so. Surveys are not credible in our country and Noynoy is being peddled by the country’s leading network.  

Armando Tavera, Las Piñas City: Noynoy is popular, but image-wise, he has to make it on his own. Survey results are not that reliable. Anybody can pay for it and results can be faked, too.  

Surveys are more reliable than our opinions

Tony Luna, Makati City: I believe that surveys are more conclusive than our opinions in that they employ methodology and resources to mount nationwide opinion gathering. Noy is it na nga.  

Ella Arenas, Pangasinan: Yes, I believe that surveys reflect the true status of the whole population. The statistics speak for themselves. That’s why if we rely on these surveys and check the trend, we can conclude that Noynoy Aquino is the most popular among the presidentiables.  

Leonard Villa, Batac City: Yes, of course. Survey results don’t lie and they are accurate. My fearless forecast: Noynoy Aquino will be the Philippines’ next president.  

Renato Taylan, Ilocos Norte: He’s actually becoming less and less popular with his fellow presidentiables because of his popularity in surveys.  

He’s truly popular

Cedric Domingo, Metro Manila: Yes, even my five-year-old cousin knows him and that only proves that the Aquinos are truly popular, from Ninoy to Noynoy. With his TV ads showing his advocacies and a number of artists supporting him, he is indeed popular!  

Jemiel Mendoza, Cabanatuan City: Yes, Noynoy is as popular as the surveys say. Not only is he the son of the late Senator Ninoy Aquino and former President Cory Aquino, he’s also the brother of TV personality Kris Aquino. Other than that, he’s already a senator. With or without tags from his family members, he can prove that his No. 1 ranking in the surveys is true.  

Jimmy Donton, Puerto Princesa City: Yes, he’s very popular. His current survey standing might influence public opinion and result in the electorate choosing Noynoy.  

Rose Leobrera, Manila: Yes, Noynoy is a strong contender. That’s why Villar is exerting all efforts and using his money to surpass him by all means. However, I am not for Noynoy, though I believe in his honesty and sincerity. Not at this time yet, because after all the mess created by this administration (isama na natin ang mismanagement ni Erap), I believe we need someone who has the expertise to make this sunken country get back on its feet. The problem that GMA will leave is humongous. Noynoy will be in a very difficult situation. Baka kalaunan mainis din tayo sa kanya, if after a few months in power, the condition doesn’t change. The next president must be a genius in all fields. Or, not to sound too expectant, sana ay ‘yung madiskarte. Obvious ba that it’s Gordon who can do it?  

Ruel Bautista, Laguna: Noynoy is a phenomenon, therefore his popularity transcends any survey.  

Elizabeth Oximer, Negros Occidental: Yes, hindi talaga mapigilan.  

Lydia Reyes, Bataan: I guess so. He is even popular among children. I asked my pupils who among the presidentiables they liked best and they said it was Noynoy.  

Many people trust him

Johann Lucas, Quezon City: Noynoy is popular because people trust him. He may really be the man for the job, but I really can’t say. I just know that intellectually, he does not seem to fare well against others. His communication skills are so-so. His accomplishments are mediocre. His supporters should show more concrete proof of his competence and true character.  

Ernesto Oliquiano, Las Piñas City: Yes, I really think that Noynoy is as popular as surveys indicate, but I firmly believe that it’s not popularity alone that makes him top these surveys conducted by reputable pollsters. Erap should be more popular than him and so with Villar, with all the millions he has been spending even before the campaign period started. It is not even competence. Gibo Teodoro is perceived to be the most competent among the presidentiables. That’s what his campaign theme is all about  “Galing at talino”. In my view, the reasons why Noynoy is consistently on the top is the perception of the electorate that he is the most honest and most sincere and has the most impeccable integrity among the presidentiables.  

Buenvenido Arban, Laguna: I think he is popular in surveys, but his good work best qualifies him for the presidency.  

Johny Tababa, Compostela Valley: Noynoy is very popular, not only in surveys but also in real life! Absolutely.   

Call it fate

Abelardo Abilay, Laguna: With or without surveys, Noynoy is the most popular candidate nowadays. This is because he carries the name of Kris and his parents. This must not be taken against him. Let us call it fate. Although the surveys favor him, he must always be on his toes. The election season is still a long way to go. Many things could still happen. Villar and Gibo may catch up.  

Desuel Pardo, Mandaluyong City: All surveys may be right, but Noynoy Aquino is not claiming credit for himself , but saying it’s by God’s blessing that he was born to populist parents. Should he make it to the presidency, that is his destiny.  

Yes, but I still won’t vote for him

Pedro Alagano Sr., Vigan City: Granting he’s popular, I can’t be swayed to vote for him as I perceive him as a very weak leader. He’s got no balls. Debate pa lang tumatakbo na.  

Ferdinand Rafer, Cavite: I think he’s popular for now, but come election day, it will be a different story. He may not steal but the people behind him are raiders of government coffers.  

Janet Lopez, Manila: The surveys are indeed accurate, but these are the only wings that legitimize his candidacy, just like his birth certificate.  

The presidency is not inherited

Manuel Abejero, Pangasinan: As Gordon said, “The presidency is not inherited; it is earned.” Para kumita mamuhunan ka!  

Rodolfo Talledo, Angeles City: Noynoy is not as popular as surveys say. The presidency is not inherited.  x

Voters will have the final say

Rodolfo Talledo, Angeles City: He is only popular in opposition bailiwicks, where SWS and Pulse Asia conducted surveys. The bandwagon effect will backfire on election day.  

Dave Velasco, Marinduque: I think Noynoy may be popular in surveys out of public sentiment but not in the actual voting come the May 2010 elections.  

He personifies Ninoy and Cory

Kelvin Casamayor, Ilocos Sur: Noynoy is definitely as popular as the surveys indicate. What else can you ask for? He’s the son of the true icons of democracy.  

Elpidio Que, Vigan: Noynoy is popular, no doubt. He is the personification of Ninoy and Cory rolled into one, and his parents are what most people crave to have to exact change in our nation that has turned most corrupt and decadent. The recent SWS survey which had Noynoy dropping two points for Villar to go up is suspect. The said survey must have been commissioned by Manny’s moneyed camp. Almost all the people we talked to about the presidential race, friends and strangers, said they were going for Noynoy to lift us out of the miserable state we are in at present. In fact, some are singing in jest, “Nobody, nobody but you. Nobody, nobody but you, Noynoy.”  

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NEXT INBOX QUESTION: What would you have done as a parent if you were in Marlene Aguilar’s shoes?

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