
Inbox World

Do you agree that PGMA's low popularity rating is not necessarily an indication of her effectiveness as the country's Chief Executive?


Nony de Leon, Malolos City: To make worthwhile, long-term progress, a good leader would have to do the unpopular. The societies that understand and accept this become progressive; those that cannot see it and reject it stagnate.  

Lydia Reyes, Bataan: If she gets low popularity ratings, it means that the people aren’t satisfied with her accomplishments. It is as simple as that.  

It is an undeniable indication

Rowena Remiendo, Quezon City: The survey is about her effectiveness as the Chief Executive, so how can her low rating not be an indication of her being ineffective?  

Dennis Acop, Baguio City: What effectiveness? What has GMA been effective at? Is it in making the electoral process credible? Is it in ending the communist insurgency? The CPP-NPA is still very much around. Is it in pardoning sensationalized criminals, including a convicted president who wants to run again despite being sentenced for plunder, a heinous crime? Is it in turning the economy around and improving the lives of the poorest of the poor? Is it in eradicating graft and corruption in governance? Is it in professionalizing the bureaucracy including the armed forces? Is it in discouraging nepotism? Is it in advancing Charter change? Tell me. I sure would like to know. Is it in ignoring surveys portraying her low popularity rating? She is accountable to the people and the surveys reflect what the people think of her performance.  

Sahlee Reyes, Las Piñas City: Her low popularity rating is an indication of her effectiveness as the Chief Executive because it is an undeniable reflection of whether or not she has been addressing what the public considers to be the nation’s most pressing problems.  

Renato Taylan, Ilocos Norte: Popularity ratings, high or low, are related to the effectiveness of a leader.  

Rose Leobrera, Manila: Her low ratings just indicate that she is disliked, hated and cursed because of her abuses while in power. The promises and make-believe good services she has been brandishing are mere words. We never feel them, which is why we cannot appreciate whatever they are. In fact, during her rule, times became more difficult. If a person is loved and liked, people would ask for an encore. But with GMA, who would ever do that? Wala, kasi she is not an effective leader. Her low ratings say so.  

Narciso Alano, Cabanatuan City: On the contrary, her low popularity rating is a definite indication of her ineffectiveness. Her administration is a regime of compromise. She is a hostage of the military, politicians and certain businessmen. That is why she is ineffective.  

Popularity is not the sole indicator

L.C. Fiel, Quezon City :A low popularity rating doesn’t reflect the President’s effectiveness as a Chief Executive because popularity alone can’t measure one’s performance. We had a hugely popular President whose performance left much to be desired, while the present one is so unpopular that people fail to appreciate her as an effective leader.  

Alexander Raquepo, Ilocos Sur: I agree! Popularity is not the sole indicator of effectiveness. Indicators in the fields of economics, health, education and human resource are more reliable. She should focus instead on her work and leave the popularity ratings to her bunch of public relations officers.  

Benjamin Nillo, Las Piñas City: Popularity does not necessarily gauge the performance level of an elected public official. Ironically, PGMA’s popularity is on a sharp decline.  

Edgar Artates, Parañaque City: Erap was a very popular president, but was he effective? Effectiveness can be the result of many factors. Perhaps the low popularity of PGMA is the result of her political will. She is willing to make unpopular decisions for the sake of what is good for the country. Good things are not always popular. I think the low popularity of PGMA is more the effect of the opposition’s accusations against her, aided by media. The good things she did are seldom appreciated.  

Juan Deveraturda, Subic, Zambales: GMA was so popular when she was still a senator and then a Cabinet Secretary. Her popularity waned when she became President. Through no fault of her own, media and the opposition have pictured her as the “resident evil” of Malacañang Palace. This, of course, is farthest from the truth. For the last nine years, PGMA was the right choice to lead our country because she was and still is a hardworking, courageous, competent, and strong-willed president. She may not be popular, as shown in surveys, but who cares? What is important is that her economic programs and work ethics have saved our country from possible economic chaos and political instability being experienced right now by other countries. The prevailing anti-PGMA sentiment among the people is rather unkind, misdirected, misplaced, and unthinkable.  

Survey results don’t lie

Elizabeth Oximer, Negros Occidental: Elementary, my dear Watson. Ineffectiveness equals a failing grade.  

Leonard Villa, Batac City: No, I disagree. PGMA’s constant low popularity rating is an indication of her ineffectiveness, as has always been in the past. Survey results don’t lie.  

Ed Gulmatico, Yemen: Of course it is. Even idiots will agree to that! Her exaggerated pronouncements through out-of-touch-with-reality spokespersons, is totally different from what is really happening in our country and to the Filipino people these days. Please, enough of all the maneuvering, hypocrisy and lies. Leave Malacañang, together with your cohorts in Cabinet and in Congress. Enough is enough.  

William Gonzaga, Marikina City: Pretending that surveys have no bearing is tantamount to covering up the scandals that overshadow her government’s achievements. PGMA’s spin doctors have a penchant for capitalizing on surveys if they are favorable to her or denigrating them if they are unfavorable.  

Jim Veneracion, Naga City: It’s plain common sense and logic. GMA’s negative ratings show that she isn’t effective. Her supposed gains have not trickled down to the poor.  

Col. Ben Paguirigan Jr., Ret., Zamboanga City: PGMA’s low popularity rating is an indication of her in effectiveness as our Chief Executive. The people’s trust on her is so poor/low that only her coterie trusts her.  

Rex Earlou Calmerin, Iligan City: The ratings of Her Excellency, in my opinion, are equivalent to results from a lie detector test; the lower her ratings, the more respect she stands to lose from the people. I suggest for her SONA speech to not only be an inspiration to the people, but also for her not to speak with a forked tongue.  

Lucas Banzon Madamba II, Laguna: PGMA’s low popularity rating is an indication that she has slowly but surely lost the trust of the Filipino people. Trust is a vital factor in ensuring the integrity of the President’s effectiveness as a ruler. A low popularity rating would really indicate a negative score on effectiveness. This is a directly proportional relationship.  

The question is loaded

Dave Velasco, Marinduque: The question is so catchy for the average person that it tends to lean on the negative side of PGMA. Next question, please.  

I wish she would put herself in our shoes

Charese Margaret Chua, Bacolod City: She should give us the real picture from the masses’ point of view. She should put herself in our shoes. How can people see what she is doing when some don’t even know her?  

PGMA is effective, not popular

Rico Fabello, Parañaque City: PGMA is never popular to both the close-minded and idealistic. Popularity should never be confused with effectiveness. Let’s all wait for 2010.  

R. Los Baños, Las Piñas City: I agree. Things like the implementation of the e-VAT are good for effective governance but bad for her popularity. Inversely, imposing a price ceiling on commodities like oil or medicine are popular moves, but bad for governance in the long run.  

Dennis Montealto, Mandaluyong City: She’d rather be right than popular. She instituted bitter pills to help the ailing economy recover. Surely, who would become popular with the e-VAT, which, among others, has been effective in keeping our fiscal situation afloat? Her being unpopular is because of her corrupt administration, as being played up by media.  

Tino Abella, Masbate: Her being unpopular does not necessarily mean she is ineffective. She can make unpopular decisions that are good for the general public. But GMA’s good efforts will always be negated by critics.  

Imee Aglibot, USA: I agree. PGMA is perceived to be the opposite of Erap, who is supposedly maka-masa, She’d rather be right than popular. She knew this right from the start.  

Johann Lucas, Quezon City: Yes, GMA took an oath that requires her to do what is right and not what is popular.  

Public opinion can’t be a reliable gauge

Norberto Robles, Taguig: Public opinion largely shaped by a patently biased media can’t be a gauge of how effective GMA is as head of state.  

Gerii Calupitan, Muntinlupa City: Ratings are unreliable. Case in point: FM led Cory in the 1986 ratings. “Cory, walang alam,” FM chided. Edsa 1 proved him wrong. Freddie Aguilar’s “Anak” lost to Hajji Alejandro’s corny “Kay Ganda ng Ating Musika” in the 1st Metro Pop Music Festival. “Anak” became a worldwide hit later on! PGMA’s low rating doesn’t affect her effectiveness as RP’s CEO. Inggit lang kasi ang opposition!  

Pat Cuilan, Benguet: I agree, because surveys are surveys that can even be sponsored by entities with vested interests.  

Luisito Vallo, Pangasinan: Yes. Her low ratings are a product of public perception because of the incessant allegations of corruption by the opposition and persons who make exposés against her for political gains.  

Gauge PGMA through her accomplishments

Germi Sison, Cabanatuan City: Yes, PGMA’s low popularity rating does not mean that she is ineffective as our President. Any president has political differences with the opposition and perennial critics. The popularity of Pres. Ramon Magsaysay did not save him from political accusations. However, she is able to control the police and the military despite known differences among men and officers. Her economic acumen is able to keep our economy afloat despite worldwide financial losses. She is able to stay on top of the situation despite mounting insurgency and terrorism around the country. If she did not win the presidency in the 2007 election, we could be worse than today.  

Leandro Tolentino, Batangas: Popularity might be useful during elections, but performance is the order of the day for an elected official’s tour of duty.  

Eddie Yap, Kabankalan City: From the onset, I was never convinced with these popularity ratings published in the papers. I gauge PGMA through her accomplishments and how determined she is in implementing her projects to benefit a large number of people. What I cannot understand with these rating games is that a certain presidentiable will come out No. 1 today but will slide down to No. 3 the following week, and then regain his or her position some other time. ‘Maryosep, mukhang computer games tuloy ang labas.  

Carlito Pajaro, Pasig City: PGMA is the most industrious President we’ve ever had. Sad to say, her achievements are not reported by the media.  

Mark Capistrano, Parañaque City: It’s an indication that people are already fed up with her administration. Her low popularity rating shows that the people no longer trust her. She can no longer lead and can no longer be effective. The people have spoken, so the President must mull it over. Yes, she is doing great by implementing unpopular policies. History will be kind to her, with her roads, ro-ro project, fiscal discipline, back office infrastructure, etc.  

Nine years is a long time to prove oneself

Ricardo Tolentino, Laoag City: It has been almost nine years of low ratings for PGMA. If she were truly an effective leader, with or without the support of the people, she would have already transformed our government.  

Ruel Bautista, Laguna: Nine years is a long time for people not to see how PGMA has performed negatively. Her performance, therefore, contributed to the plunge of her popularity.  

Elpidio Que, Vigan: Why shouldn’t GMA’s low popularity ratings be an indication that she is ineffective as our Chief Executive? The 70 per cent surveyed by the SWS should have based their feelings on the basic economics of their families.  

She’s focusing on her legacy

Rodolfo Talledo, Angeles City: At this point, GMA has given up all illusions of popularity and is more concerned with leaving a legacy to her people as the hardest-working President of this country, with numerous laudable accomplishments that have made a great impact on the our lives.  

Ed Alawi, Davao City: Popularity is ephemeral. What is PGMA’s legacy? Is it a better economy, infrastructure? Less Kamaganak Inc., less corruption? Why not make a survey on these?  

Armando Tavera, Las Piñas City: Huwag nang isipin ni PGMA ang mga popularity ratings na ‘yan. What others see in her is only the left side. I think she is still effective as the head of state.  

She has been repaying political debts

Noel Banias, Makati City: Only GMA’s spin doctors are wont to believe. GMA, in her waning days in power, has been ineffective in governance because of too many political debts that she’s trying to pay up to now. That is the main cause of her ineffectiveness, coupled with so many scandals that have become the symbol of the administration.  

She’s better than some past presidents

C.B. Fundales, Bulacan: Yes, PGMA is unpopular but she has been performing better than any of her predecessors. Her trust rating is highlighted more than her accomplishments is.  

Rey Onate, Palayan City: Yes, and I believe PGMA is one of our better presidents. It just so happens that mas mabalasik lang at mas mayayaman ang oposisyon na kalaban niya sa pulitika.  

Ishmael Q. Calata, Parañaque City: I agree. In fairness to her, I can admire PGMA in many aspects of her work as President, especially in helping cushion the impact of the regional economic crisis that hit Southeast Asia in the late 1990s, with the unpopular e-VAT making us all suffer a necessary bitter pill to help keep us economically afloat, and, again, the current global financial crisis, because our government knows its economic fundamentals under her rule. She is definitely better than some past presidents. It is lamentable, however, that her government has been, rocked by scandal and scams that have occurred too often, putting the Philippines on top of the list among the most corrupt in our region. Sayang!  

C.B. Manalastas, Manila: GMA is a workaholic, unlike deposed Erap who was hugely popular. She may not be popular among those who were surveyed but nobody can please everybody.  

Ric Vergara, Calamba: PGMA is unpopular mainly because of her failure to stamp out corruption. Wala siya kay Erap: Lasenggo, sugarol, babaero at mandarambong.  

Our leaders cling to power

Joe Nacilla, Las Piñas City: In other countries, when a leader senses that his popularity is declining, he will interpret it as a decline in the people’s trust; thus, he will immediately resign. In our country, there is no such thing as low popularity, not even when it reaches negative levels. There was one person, however, who was brave enough to resign his position as Senate President when he sensed that his popularity declined, albeit only among his own jealous and ambitious peers.  

She’s a victim of black propaganda

Pedro Alagano, Vigan City: No, it’s due to the effective propaganda by the political opposition et al. in poisoning the mind of the public at large. But have they proven anything?  

We mustn’t judge her

Jony Lei Veloso, Metro Manila: We can’t really judge her. I think her effectiveness really depends on what state the country is in now. It’s for us to just evaluate and maybe make a wise move in the coming 2010 elections.  

Corruption has brought her down

Cris Rivera, Rizal: PGMA’s abysmal ratings can be attributed to a government that has been perceived to be bogus from the start and is suffering from moral and physical pollution.  

Vir Lauzon, General Santos City: Allegations of corruption in government involving the First Family brought her popularity down, even though she is working hard for the good of the country.  

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