August 12, 2004

The moon in Cancer encourages us to work from home or possibly work on the home. Mars now in Virgo will wind up teaching us that in order to make progress in our lives we must stop judging those who already have what we want. Turn feelings of envy into powerful motivators. The finer points are what will determine a win or a loss.

ARIES (March 21-April 19).
If you’re planning on extending your realm of influence by reaching out to new people, you’ve made a wise decision. New connections are easily made, and their pursuit also brings about romance, financial gain and entertainment.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Efforts to look better are not made in vain. You take pride in your public image and your personal appearance. Enhanced self-esteem will benefit your health, whereas a lack of self-confidence drains your vitality.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
Gregarious and engaging, you’ll attract love by being outgoing and widely accepting of others. At work, you may be privy to classified information – the power is in your hands. A relative gives you a blessing in disguise.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Doubt and suspicion needn’t be companions for too long, even if they show up early on. You’ll soon be vindicated on an emotional family issue. Be alone for a few hours if you can. Psychic powers are strong.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Self-motivation is lower than usual, so it’s good to have encouraging friends near. Attend gatherings, and socialize. Get involved in stimulating community work or a spirited discussion; a worthwhile pastime helps you relax.

This year is filled with wonder – you’ll feel you don’t quite know where things are leading, but you’re surprised and delighted by what you find around the corner. Keep your intentions clear, and tell everyone what you want in September. December brings the stimulation you needed to make an exciting change. Take a fabulous vacation in January. Your lucky numbers are: 17, 30, 2, 11 and 50.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
You’ve got your eye on the big picture, but remember, success is in the small wins. Do not dismiss a family problem. It must be handled immediately. Luxury and opulence are part of the fun tonight.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.23).
Stick to the plan, and you’ll move forward. You are well prepared for increased responsibility, as long as recognition goes with it – is it so bad to want to be acknowledged for your work? You certainly deserve it.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.21).
Rely on intuition; following your nose is lucky. Get ready for some new friends, perhaps from a faraway place. The course of true love runs straight, but the bills still have to be paid. Decide who is responsible for what.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec.21)
. Communication is the way to understanding. Listen to the voice of experience. Some good shopping tips come from a surprising source. Concentrate, and find ways to budget for a desired object.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19).
The outcome of events that surround you now depends solely upon your attitude. Free your home and your emotions from dusty cobwebs. It’s a good bet that you’ll hear from or visit with distant family. Be patient!

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18).
There’s fun with a friend who may turn out to be a romance. A loving partner who is also a friend is exactly what you need to stimulate your life. Financially, there’s a chance to gain through better use of what you already have.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Solid groundwork, though it may be tedious at times, is the way to create good fortune. Flirty relationships are favored, as is finding a way to enjoy the evening that is inexpensive but entertaining. Hobbies are most rewarding.

I’m a Pisces, and I’m quite attracted to a Libran guy. He’s a friend, actually, and we get along well. Are we compatible romantically, too?"

Since you are a Pisces, your optimal partner is first of all imaginative enough to blend with your spectacular imagination. He is also someone who can step back and act as a stabilizer, not getting pulled into your phobias or fantasies. A talkative person is nice, as long as he’s not critical or gossipy toward you (you’d withdraw for a long period if this were the case). Also, you need someone who is self-motivated when it comes to making life improvements. Your Libra friend is more outgoing than you, and sometimes, this causes you to feel not as special or important to him as you would like to feel. Also, he’s not particularly direct about solving problems – neither are you. This can make things confusing during those times that every couple has when the two aren’t quite clicking. That said, he does much to challenge your sense of who you are, and you are a better person for meeting that challenge. Isn’t that what soul mates should do for one another?

Ben Affleck’s intellect (winning an Oscar for his screenplay) and good looks (he is often labeled "the sexiest man alive") make him a shoo-in for bachelor of the year. This sexy screen star speaks several languages, Arabic and Spanish among them, and this year, he could meet a promising young lady from a different country. She needs to be able to hold her own in the intense spotlight ever shining on this attention-loving Leo in order for the relationship to last.

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