Aug 22, 2003
August 22, 2003 | 12:00am
The moon and Mercury in Virgo make this the perfect time to give a thorough look to your business plan. What? No business plan? No plan for your persona life, either? Well, youre in luck. Make some goals today. Youll have Leo rooting for you, giving you the confidence to aim big, and Virgo putting some sense and sensibility into the strategy.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). There was never a doubt who was in control of your schedule, but a loved one will try and control it nonetheless. You cant blame people for being so attached to you they have trouble leaving you alone.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). If youre up early, youll be able to take advantage of the best concentration the day has to offer you. The stars have the effect of a bee in your bonnet, and you wont be able to remain your usual calm self.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Pursuing your business can make you rich today. People cant wait to give you special treatment and help with your responsibilities. A deal that looks too first rate to be as cheap as it is should be jump on.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). So what if youre doing a lot for a loved one? In the end, what helps this person will help you, too. Demands at work intensity. When in doubt, just say yes. Renegotiate later.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You may be able to literally take your laptop and your mobile phone and do your job from a remote setting. This does wonders for your state of mind and brings new meaning to the phrase "casual Friday."
TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (August 22). You pull off a makeover on your finances this year that brings you to a new stratum of good living! Naturally, the state of your heart has more to do wit your happiness, and loved ones treat you like royalty. Singles are swept off their feet in September and again caught off guard by fabulous new love in February. Best signs for love are Virgo and Aquarius. Your lucky numbers are: 2, 52, 22, 49 and 33.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Its clear to everyone around that youre a real leader. Thats why people who arent sure of their business may try to draw you in. If they appeal to yr ego, you might be swayed.
LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23). Initial instincts are right on this morning, especially in matters of finance, so dont vacillate. Refusing to be dragged down by a certain individual could eliminate most of the tension in your life.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). This will be a prosperous day but not in the money-making way. Your powers of compassion are strong. A true heart will make you a happy person. Youll come across a tool or product that helps you cut a bad habit.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The end of a project comes sooner than you thought. Moving on is glorious. When youre out doing what you enjoy, you run into a prime opportunity. Singles meet one sparkling prospect. Dont get competitive.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Personal errands left undone are holding you back. If theres a friend or partner you can share the load with, now is a good time to accept the graciousness of others. A Virgo or Libra can help you get organized.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Travel is favored, especially spontaneous trips. With an hour of research, you could plan something spectacular on a shoestring budget. Those who work regular hours today manage to juggle responsible like a pro.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Being bighearted includes letting go of anything that smacks of pettiness. Someone could leave you with a tab or forget to return borrowed items. Its not worth making an issue over.
WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: This will be a big weekend for love in all its forms and there are thousands of colors this emotion can assume. Start by taking personal stock and looking at your love life from a purely selfish standpoint. ARIES: Romantic blessings are disguised. Be open to seeing things another way. TAURUS: Youre funny tonight, which is your secret power. A Leo or Virgo is drawn like a magnet. GEMINI: No one is looking at your mistakes. Let it go; be confident. CANCER: Sometimes, romantic games spice things up. Be open to playing. LEO: If you receive graciously, its like you are giving another gift. Let yourself be praised. VIRGO: Your social grace is on 10. Dont wait to be asked out; do the asking. LIBRA: Take it slow, hold hands, and savor the sweet, small gestures of love. SCORPIO: let a loved one take the lead youre in unfamiliar territory. SAGITTARIUS: You may have conditioned a sweetie to treat you in a certain way. Consider your part in the dynamic. AQUARIUS: Youll have to retreat if you want someone else to reach. PISCES: Pretend its the beginning all over again.
COUPLE OF THE WEEKEND: its not difficult to see why Capricorn and Sagittarius get along so well. As neighbors on the zodiac wheel, they have a similar attitude and intensity but go about things in a strikingly opposite way. Sagittarius helps Capricorn see theres more variety out there than can ever be experienced in one lifetime. Capricorn helps Sagittarius focus on succeeding at one thing at a time.
If you would like to write to Joyce Jillson, please go to and click on "Write the Author" on the Joyce Jillson page, or you may send her a postcard in the mail. To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at
Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson
ARIES (March 21-April 19). There was never a doubt who was in control of your schedule, but a loved one will try and control it nonetheless. You cant blame people for being so attached to you they have trouble leaving you alone.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). If youre up early, youll be able to take advantage of the best concentration the day has to offer you. The stars have the effect of a bee in your bonnet, and you wont be able to remain your usual calm self.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Pursuing your business can make you rich today. People cant wait to give you special treatment and help with your responsibilities. A deal that looks too first rate to be as cheap as it is should be jump on.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). So what if youre doing a lot for a loved one? In the end, what helps this person will help you, too. Demands at work intensity. When in doubt, just say yes. Renegotiate later.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You may be able to literally take your laptop and your mobile phone and do your job from a remote setting. This does wonders for your state of mind and brings new meaning to the phrase "casual Friday."
TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (August 22). You pull off a makeover on your finances this year that brings you to a new stratum of good living! Naturally, the state of your heart has more to do wit your happiness, and loved ones treat you like royalty. Singles are swept off their feet in September and again caught off guard by fabulous new love in February. Best signs for love are Virgo and Aquarius. Your lucky numbers are: 2, 52, 22, 49 and 33.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Its clear to everyone around that youre a real leader. Thats why people who arent sure of their business may try to draw you in. If they appeal to yr ego, you might be swayed.
LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23). Initial instincts are right on this morning, especially in matters of finance, so dont vacillate. Refusing to be dragged down by a certain individual could eliminate most of the tension in your life.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). This will be a prosperous day but not in the money-making way. Your powers of compassion are strong. A true heart will make you a happy person. Youll come across a tool or product that helps you cut a bad habit.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The end of a project comes sooner than you thought. Moving on is glorious. When youre out doing what you enjoy, you run into a prime opportunity. Singles meet one sparkling prospect. Dont get competitive.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Personal errands left undone are holding you back. If theres a friend or partner you can share the load with, now is a good time to accept the graciousness of others. A Virgo or Libra can help you get organized.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Travel is favored, especially spontaneous trips. With an hour of research, you could plan something spectacular on a shoestring budget. Those who work regular hours today manage to juggle responsible like a pro.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Being bighearted includes letting go of anything that smacks of pettiness. Someone could leave you with a tab or forget to return borrowed items. Its not worth making an issue over.
WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: This will be a big weekend for love in all its forms and there are thousands of colors this emotion can assume. Start by taking personal stock and looking at your love life from a purely selfish standpoint. ARIES: Romantic blessings are disguised. Be open to seeing things another way. TAURUS: Youre funny tonight, which is your secret power. A Leo or Virgo is drawn like a magnet. GEMINI: No one is looking at your mistakes. Let it go; be confident. CANCER: Sometimes, romantic games spice things up. Be open to playing. LEO: If you receive graciously, its like you are giving another gift. Let yourself be praised. VIRGO: Your social grace is on 10. Dont wait to be asked out; do the asking. LIBRA: Take it slow, hold hands, and savor the sweet, small gestures of love. SCORPIO: let a loved one take the lead youre in unfamiliar territory. SAGITTARIUS: You may have conditioned a sweetie to treat you in a certain way. Consider your part in the dynamic. AQUARIUS: Youll have to retreat if you want someone else to reach. PISCES: Pretend its the beginning all over again.
COUPLE OF THE WEEKEND: its not difficult to see why Capricorn and Sagittarius get along so well. As neighbors on the zodiac wheel, they have a similar attitude and intensity but go about things in a strikingly opposite way. Sagittarius helps Capricorn see theres more variety out there than can ever be experienced in one lifetime. Capricorn helps Sagittarius focus on succeeding at one thing at a time.
If you would like to write to Joyce Jillson, please go to and click on "Write the Author" on the Joyce Jillson page, or you may send her a postcard in the mail. To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at
Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson
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