May 11, 2003

The Taurus sun isn’t about sitting back and trusting that things will work out for the best. It’s about putting a little elbow grease behind our wishes. The Aries moon tonight lends all the energy it takes to do laundry, grocery shopping, bill paying – any task that sets you up for a smooth start to the week. You’ll sure sleep well tonight!

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Anyone who tries to tame your offbeat spirit will be sorry. You are happiest when you have plenty of room to roam free. Rely on your ability to charm, and save your strength for another day. You may struggle with a repair.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
This morning, a "no" will be kinder than a "maybe." You’ll be up to antics later, and whether e-mailing a hysterical joke or impressing a date with a magic trick, you win hearts with your wit. Try to see a family matter objectively.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
The pone keeps on ringing. Popularity seems like it has its drawbacks, but you’ll enjoy the plusses today to the very fullest. Watch for romance to pop up while you are doing something ordinary. Be ready by looking good.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Some will get off on the wrong foot with a mate. Wait a few hours, and then, make a short, sweet apology. You are lucky around those who have something new to show you; enjoy the stimulation of open-minded discussion.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Your ambitions for the future are admirable; share them with other forward-thinking people. Family members may be curious about your love life or have opinions about how you’re raising children. Grin and bear it.

Outline clear goals – you’re going to have a big one accomplished in the next four months. Once you discover your muse, careers you never knew existed are open to you. There’s a refreshing change at the start of July, and you’ll have the chance to assume leadership. A serious relationship is headed toward long-term commitment in September. Your lucky numbers are: 11, 13, 19, 22 and 25.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
You have luck in games – why not look at all of life as a game? Antiques, real estate and collecting stamps could add to future security. Service people deserve respect, and you might be the only one classy enough to properly give it!

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
Though others are sharing, you’re your feelings private because they change quickly. A thrifty afternoon promotes future abundance. Make very few requests of your loved ones today; a sweetheart has an especially short fuse.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
Make a terrific first impression – clothes and posture make a difference. But just because it’s "easy come" doesn’t meant it has to be "easy go." Try to hold on to what you get – put it in the bank or the sock drawer for now.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Allow the past to push its way to the fore; you love reaching new vistas, but discovery now comes from reviewing and revising. In order to convince someone to help you, you must first debunk this person’s wrong belief.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
If you do what’s best for you, others will take care of themselves. However, avoid embarking on a new romance just because you are bored with the old one. There’s money to be made by expanding on someone else’s idea.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Be open to events that will shape your dreams. Someone close to may act out, wanting all of your attention. Public exposure helps you make much more money. Let family members influence a career choice.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Make a wish list, and pin it some place conspicuous. Friends twist your arm, but you can stick to your plan if you really want to. Live lighter; delegate. Hire a Virgo or Sagittarius, and you will get your money’s worth.

With Mercury still retrograde, the usual cosmic pranks indicated by this transit apply. Where’s your mail? Possibly at your neighbor’s house. Why is the car stalling? No gas. The simple things are easy to forget now, so the best way to counteract this silliness is to learn to depend on others for cues. Band together with loved ones, and you’ll learn that much of the communication you take for granted is a non-verbal and attitudinal way of getting the message across. Thursday features the new moon in seasoned Taurus. Money, recognition and authority come from actions you set in motion during this moon, so be specific. An ethical questions arises that will start an inner dialogue that could go on for days. Conversations between mates are featured Friday – some of these talks will be about the sale or purchase of a home. Forget about the quiet-evening-at-home scenario on Saturday, when the zany playfulness of mixing and mingling may be just what your relationship needs. Even though you may find yourself surrounded by lots of company, sparks fly when you steal secret glances across a crowded room.

The down-home charm of Renee Zellweger has made her a perfect girl next door, lovable murderess and charming single on the big screen. This year, Zellweger could make a difference off screen by speaking out against a popular Hollywood beauty treatment, causing the FDA to take a closer look at the substance that so may stars are using to look younger.

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Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson

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