

February 12, 2003

- Joyce Jillson -
Mercury joins the sun and Uranus in the intellectual cocktail party of Aquarius. Zippy dialogue that shows off wit, a strong level f interest in others, and an attention span that keeps the action clipping along at a fast pace are all part of this transit. The group dynamic is where the heat is. Innovation will be born out of a sense of competition.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. All the plans you made weeks ago now seem to weigh down your schedule. In fact, what seemed like a lovely lark (when it was in the distant future) now feels like an annoying obligation. Go anyway. Diversity is invigorating.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
People around you want to practice, prepare and rehearse. You, on the other hand, would rather wig it. Of course, you’ve got the confidence to pull this off, but don’t brag about it, or others get very jealous.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
Dominating forces in your life will now have to be reckoned with. You are, after all, capable of thinking for yourself, through you may have been bullied into believing otherwise by someone who is insecure.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Something you’ve worked very hard to pull off will go well today, but not as expected. You could be praised for your good humor, personal growth and ability to direct others – attributes you will build on in the weeks to come.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Your friendliness will be remembered by those you meet today, or at least it will contribute to general positive vibes. The afternoon light seems to illuminate your shortcomings, which you shouldn’t bother trying to hide.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (February 12).
You’ve got a position among the elite this year! Interests you’ve pursued in the past now take on a new role in your life, perhaps changing your personal status or career direction. March gets hectic. Your virtuosity in the financial realm returns to you quickly through April. May is wonderful for your heart and hard on the pocketbook. Your lucky numbers this year are: 5, 51, 22, 6 and 11.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
The shining star just to the side of you might be attracting a lot of attention. Be willing to take your turn, too. And if there is no "your turn" in the near future, schedule one. Blending in too well won’t help you further your goals.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
Your job has you hopping. Exercises in stretching time might help you get more done. (Distractions like noise, extreme temperature or clutter will make it impossible, though). You gain by following advice like "Eat your vegetables."

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
The intensity is turned up. You might be called "striking" today by people whose opinion matters to you. Keep the giving circle going. Give a nod to the one who is always trying to impress you.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Today’s focus is on relationships and expanding your sphere of influence. Body language, neuro-linguistic programming and etiquette are all worthy topics of research. You can do whatever you set your mind to.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Your project may be at an impasse until you make some new friends at work. Bonds can be forged by sharing your impressive collection or knowledge on a special subject. Give of your time to little ones.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
If you knock on enough doors, make requests and ask the right questions, you’ll find a way to make your dream come true. Perhaps others in the pursuit of an impossible goal will cheer you on.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
The next 24 hours will be dominated by endings, new beginnings and changes that have been a long time in coming. In order to be emotionally fulfilled, you must also be productive.

Valentine’s Day is usually the time to realize who you love and go for it, or to make sure the loved ones in your life are being taken care of. But this year’s planet cast the day in a different light that can be interpreted as a call to get in touch with your heart’s desires on a deeper level, whatever they may be. Even if you think your heart’s desire (to sky-dive, paint or travel) has nothing to do with a relationships right now, taking steps to fulfill it will only make the relationships in your life much stronger. LIBRA: Because you get along so well with so many, narrowing down your choices is almost impossible. Try this on as a criterion: True love will make you feel more vivid and more empowered to be your most unique self. V-Day sweeties who make you shine are Sagittarius and Aquarius. SCORPIO: Your power comes from that very private part of yourself you keep so well protected. Express yourself through writing, and that personal voice is amplified. This will lead you to total fulfillment, given a regular practice of journaling. V-Day sweeties that are best for you are Capricorn and Pisces.

Writer John Grisham is the master of the legal thriller and has had six of his novels turned into movies (including "The Firm"). This prolific Aquarian turns out a novel almost every year but took a break to litigate a case he felt strongly about and won. Helping others is one of Aquarius’ strongest values, and no amount of success will make this sign as happy as contributing to someone in need.

If you would like to write to Joyce Jillson, please go to www.creators.com and click on "Write the Author" on the Joyce Jillson page, or you may send her a postcard in the mail. To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson

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