December 16, 2002

With the moon and Mars both making their way through murky Scorpio waters, there are things in the shadows of our own subconscious that are becoming more fascinating. It’s partly because you’ve got the wherewithal to face them now. In doing so, recognize what is the truth and what is the story we use to make sense of the world.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. A parent-child relationship needs healing – forgive and forget, and you will be the one to benefit. Apply your work principles to a love affair, and you’ll see unimagined results. A Cancer shows you where the money is.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Relationships need attention. Give if you want to receive. Don’t drag your feet about exploring new interests, and happiness and romance will result if you expand your horizons.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
Moneymaking energy hums around you, but solid fortune building is both elusive and complex. Your edge is determination, persistence and fundamental good sense. You have dreamy interludes with love tonight.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
. You are organized, focused and efficient, so get to work. Afternoon phone calls and casual chatting lead to business gains, especially if you attend gatherings of professional associates.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
You’re excited about the possibilities of a new idea or technological improvement in the workplace. It’s not so tough to charm others into doing what you want. Use your dry wit. Reading tonight gives you the edge at work tomorrow.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (December 16).
Your unique talents are put to work this year. The months of December and January are lucrative, giving you the confidence to make a major change in February. Your bright attitude attracts folks far and wide in March. Singles have dates galore. Couples promise to stay together. Your lucky love signs are Scorpio and Cancer. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 3, 11, 49 and 24.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Terrific new friendships are just ahead; strengthen your behind-the-scenes position by opening a savings account or researching a project. A new romantic relationship brings plenty of gain to your life, if you’re willing to sacrifice.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
Swing into high gear. This is no time for questions – follow orders and good advice. Closet cleaning and reorganizing are favored. Urges to overindulge may be symptoms of emotional upset; try to relax with healthful comforts.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
You promised yourself you’d take things more slowly this time, but by now, you may be wondering what’s keeping you from falling in love. Learning from experience is favored. Make it a day of imaginative solutions.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Exceptions to the rule are bound to come up, but you’re flexible. Let yourself relax; concentrate on enjoying loved ones. Truth in relationships is the watchword. Be communicative about your own needs.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Social vibes are terrific. Your persuasive abilities are at a high, so sell something, or talk the boss into letting you take on a little more responsibility. New chances are ahead; your friends are the key.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Tasks are dispatched in record time, putting you into a sweet mood. Your perfectionism can be tough to live with; be gentle with others. Warning: Getting involved with a relative’s problems can prove to be an endless tangle.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Teamwork is necessary at work; social camaraderie adds to the overall effectiveness of leadership. Guidance from that inner voice will show you whom to trust. Spiffing up the homestead is the best therapy tonight.

This year, when you reach for something, it’s yours. You start the year off with the right attitude for winning. The trick is to keep your focus, even when the end of the month provides you with a delightful distraction. It’s not that you can’t have love in your life and still meet your goals. It’s more like you might have a tendency to choose someone who takes a lot of energy so you have an excuse why x, y or z didn’t happen when you thought it would. Just be aware of where the energy goes. February features a change in your spending patterns. March and August are terrific travel months. Family bonds can be cemented on foreign soil. The end of a project in June will make room for something (or someone) special to drop into your life. Many deals will be presented to you in April. Be wary of any situation where it’s more about the money than the work. June is like a fast car – take safety measures, and then, have a blast. Get your team together for July, when good things come to the group mentality. Your luckiest month, however, is November. Your big risk pays off. Fantastically lucky signs are Gemini, Capricorn and hotblooded Scorpio.

There’s no question that feisty actress Lucy Liu is a fire sign! This passionate Sagittarius led the way to breaking down race barriers on the big screen and will continue to gravitate toward roles that expand the options for minorities on the silver screen. For Sagittarius, breaking down boundaries is merely par for the course. Seeking only their own approval, they can be bold in the face of adversity.

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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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