December 01, 2002

The moon enters Taurus, stimulating our appetite for the finer things in life. If you feel a twinge of envy while riding in someone’s nice new car or enjoying the expensive hobbies of friends, this is natural. Take it as a lucky sign. You’re more likely to attract what you can appreciate. A delicious meal tonight seems like the best you’ve ever had!

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Leave plans loose so you have the leeway to change your mind – as you will several times. Pay attention to disclaimers. Tonight, go where the action is, even if it means showing up where you don’t know a soul.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
A new sense of purpose prevails. You are making important decisions, even though it feels like you are simply waiting for answers. Narrow-minded people should be politely ignored. Exceptional entertainment adds spice to dates.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
You wish others would take care of you, but ultimately, you need to do the job. Address health questions now. It is time to overhaul a relationship that no longer is tolerable. Tonight, take steps to protect your reputation.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
. Responsibilities increase, so ask to be paid for overtime. Someone who only wanted to see you on a romantic basis might start talking about a business partnership. It’s a lucky time to join forces with those you trust.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Extremely positive forces are moving you along, although you may still feel that life is chaotic and out of your control. Romantic life can no longer stand still. Don’t’ kiss and tell – it just won’t play well.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (December 01).
You’ll taste sweet success this year as you surpass your own record. Keep striving this month through January. You’ll make your goal, even if you have to enlist someone in the role of helping you keep your commitment to yourself. Pare it down in February to only your most rewarding responsibilities, and you find you are making more money than ever! Your lucky numbers are: 4, 5, 29, 11 and 32.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Why wait and see if others notice all you’ve done lately? Request a vote of confidence! Someone who used to be a competitor will now help you out. Little ones who demand big attention pay you back by making you proud.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
You laugh, even when no one else does – proof that your emotions are not dependent on others. Provide leadership, and steer clear of friends in a bad mood. The stronger you become, the more attractive you are.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
Be patient toward loved ones who are driving you nuts – change is in the wind. You’re getting better at communicating your thoughts. Try what you never would before. Get out and show everyone tonight.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Be sure to ask for more than you think you deserve. You’ve been selling yourself short and will soon grow into the new figure. Romantic interests are ready to consider a joint account or making a large purchase.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Loosen up, and don’t worry so much about how you’re coming across. Relationships with the most unlikely people are the seeds of your success. Tonight, put the rest of the world on hold while you finish something.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Be realistic. Distinguish between vital and frivolous spending – it’s for your future financial health. You add your sparkle to otherwise dry situations. You’ll impress important people if you don’t shock them first.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Healthy competition is good for you. If someone else’s debt is wrongly passed to you, definitely speak up. An all-or-nothing attitude about love attracts more than one eager date. You have a special connection with a Cancer.

The last few days of the sun’s reign in Scorpio are filled with anticipation. The moon, swelling toward fullness, adds to this scrumptious tension. If you’re building a seduction, the events of the next three days are enough to fill a romance novel. The final days of Venus’ retrograde status add complex twists and turns – past and present come crashing into one reality. By the full moon on Tuesday night, passions are overflowing. Mercury enters Sagittarius at this time, too, so aggressive instincts are on high. Far-out ideas no longer seem so far out. Wednesday is a turning point in personal relationships. Venus goes direct, and we start looking forward instead of backward. Friday is another kind of energetic push. The sun begins a journey through Sagittarius, the sign of adventure, new experience and unexplored territory. It’s an irresistible call to travel, meet different people and accept what was hard to accept yesterday. This transit affects career choices, giving us the confidence to jump into areas we are hardly knowledgeable about or qualified to handle. Being a fish out of water can be just the opportunity we need to grow feet!

Scorpio singer Grace Slick may make a guest appearance with "The Osbournes" and perhaps begin interest in a spinoff show. This ’60s and ’70s rock icon is a tough Scorpio complete with the passionate intensity of those native to this sign. She and other Scorpio women born in 1939 find this to be a year when giving all you can for the sheer sake of giving brings gifts far beyond the imaginable.

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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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