November 19, 2002

Drama and excitement are the key factors that make this day seem both terribly long and really riveting. Even shy people are creating a splash with special news or discoveries that must be shared. Get in on the show. It’s fun, even if you’re a chorus player. Extroverts find love with introverts, and vice versa. Learn from your opposite.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Added work responsibilities keep you on your toes. Give yourself a wider margin for terror. An important decision in your hands affects the lives of others. Be on the lookout for what – besides money – makes you feel rich.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Go ahead and take on a little more. Volunteering leads to valuable experience and even new love. Unorthodox money-making schemes are worth trying. Friends demonstrate loyalty and respect in the strangest ways.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
Success is an inspiration to greater things, even if it’s not your success. When people around you do well, it raises the expectations you have of yourself. The stars are right to communicate with an old love.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
. A romantic partner’s popularity is a source of tension. Don’t add to the problem by starting your own antics. Business may require a trip. Though you don’t want to, being candid solves a lot of problems.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Luck is on your side. Be careful what you wish for – your happiness is dependent on one person, and that’s you! A colleague is trying everything to get your attention. Singles looking for love find Scorpio and Cancer appealing.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (November 19)
. Personal growth has far-reaching positive results this year, and you’ll look back on this time as a golden era. Fantastic new love comes your way via a Pisces or Gemini, and this could be the one you’ve been waiting for. Career change that occurs in January will really take flight by March. Lucky money months are April and May. Your lucky numbers are: 2, 33, 19, 4 and 10.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Career aims are met through networking. Employee or professional groups move you forward. A romantic interest comes on strong; you need only say yes or no. Giving in to a small temptation tonight helps you avoid a larger one.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
Friends call, but you might be more satisfied spending time alone and doing activities you choose to do. Make a profit without apology – you deserve abundance and should feel great about it. Keep your own secrets.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
A meeting will keep the peace. If you have fallen in the eyes of someone dear, all you have to do is admit you were wrong, and the doors swing open again. Sweeties want to be more available to you if you just ask.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
It’s totally counterproductive to try and do it all – besides, you’re being paid to delegate to others. If you feel out of control and overwhelmed, you’re better off just to get some rest. Libra is very interested in you.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Tread lightly in areas of political consequence. Power plays can fall flat – and that would be embarrassing at best. Make sure your dealings have integrity, and everything else works out to the benefit of all involved.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Your elusiveness naturally makes you much more attractive. Don’t worry about what kind of impression you’re making – just try to make one. In the financial world, you can unblock channels that were previously closed to you.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Inner strength will serve you better than anything else you could do to your body or any money you could make. You’ll manage to sneak romance into your whirlwind schedule if you make love a priority in your life.

"I Am a 25-year-old Scorpio woman who has never been married. I can’t seem to keep relationships together. I was with a Gemini I thought was the love of my life, but things went terribly wrong, and it still hurts. I recently met a Sagittarius, but he has issues that would make a future for us impossible. Someday, I’d like a husband and family. Any advice?"

I’m sure by now you’ve figured out that the Sagittarius is married – don’t return to him under any circumstance. Your love planet is in Sagittarius, so you will continue to find folks born under that sign to be extremely attractive. The Gemini guy would make a good friend, but he’ll take another decade to mature to the level you’re at now. Back to that Venus in Sagittarius: You should have a blast dating five people at once. You still don’t have enough experience to know what kind of man you could have a long marriage and family with. Make an effort to really get out there and date over the next six months, and promise yourself you won’t try and get serious with anyone. It’s when you embrace your single status to the fullest that someone comes along to change all of that.

The end of the long-running, popular television series "Ally McBeal" is an important milestone for Scorpio Calsita Flockhart, who will return to the big screen in a more noticeable capacity than before. She would shine in a period piece, especially one where she played the villainess. The beginning of the year is a time to really get comfy – many Scorpio women born in 1964 will start renovating their homes.

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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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