November 09, 2002

With the moon transiting through Scorpio and the sun ending its stay in Libra, it’s still easy to be swayed by exterior forces. Make sure the decisions you make are based on your desires, not on what others are doing. The Scorpio moon favors attention to details in health and beauty. Everyone’s looking vital and sexy this weekend

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Your insight and idealism inspired support from those around you. The afternoon features small accomplishments that you’ll be proud of. Be bold, and make contact wit someone attractive to you.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
A new perspective and optimism are features. Ask specifically for what you need. The masses love your ideas. Money and work are both in the flow, though patience is required.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
Why are you irresistible? You have energy, insight and hope. Love may require strategy, but that doesn’t mean it has to be difficult. Remember don’t expect others to read your mind.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
. Work on increasing your stamina. Little matters deserve your attention – now’s the time to attend to them. Limit your focus to one project at a time. Start developing a financial plan that fits your current needs and lifestyle.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
A long discussion will set the record straight. Expanding your personal freedom is at the top of your list. You continue to be ablaze with activity, but be sure to focus on things that matter most in the long run.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (November 09).
Dreams come true, and a new life begins. Money-making ideas pop up next month. Your problem-solving prove your worth at the office. New contacts in November help you make great money and find love, too. Be willing to work harder than ever! A Gemini or Taurus tries to find romance, and couples enjoy new hobbies together. Trade in old grudges for new understandings.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Don’t laugh at quirky ideas you hear today – some may hold hidden potential. New information sheds light on family problems. Listen to a child’s need for independent – learn to let go a little.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
Fortunately, your creativity is at an all-time high. Be realistic, and don’t over commit. Your boss is finicky about details but may make many errors, which you are taking a risk to point out.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
Focus on new resolutions. A surprise opportunity is around the corner, so look the part, and remain self-assured. Job-hunting lands a hot prospect, but it may take a while before it comes through.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Serious projects are stalled for one reason or another. Your partner needs your ear, not your advice. Let loved ones make their own mistakes, but prepare to help them pick up the pieces later.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Troubles are few if you keep a professional attitude in business and a compassionate one with family. Stop worrying about the future – do something about it! A Leo confesses all.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Learn and grow through listening. An old friend takes you into his or her confidence but may ask you to make decisions for him or her. Provide comfort to those who need it by phone, in a letter or in person.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Travel arises – an exciting adventure awaits, so don’t pass it up! A new friend wants to learn about your territory – your suspicions may be true. Those who truly love you care nothing about your financial position.

"I am a Pisces, and the man I married on Dec. 24, 1992, is also a Pisces. My friends say he’s too possessive, but I don’t mind. It makes me feel secure. Do we have a good future?" You chose a lovely day for your wedding, which was right after a new moon (a great time to begin cycles). You and your husband have conjoining Venus positions in Aries, as well as a lovely trine of Mars in your charts – the possessiveness you mention appears to be quite mutual since you both have Mars in water signs. The possessive qualities come with being paradoxical Pisceans, who are famous for wanting freedom and keeping secrets for themselves, but not for their mates! The conjunction of your Venus positions is a sign of creative accord, and this indicates you two agree on money maters in your marriage (experts say this is one of the most important factors in long-term compatibility). Blesses with such good stars, you have a wonderful chance for success together!

Branford Marsalis is just one member of the musically talented Marsalis clan. As a Virgo, he displays a critical, detail-oriented mind, and Mercury in Leo is an outgoing combination in the zodiac. This probably encouraged Marsalis to be a showman as well as an artist. He exhibited this quality well when he created and hosted a series to teach the principles of classical and jazz music to inner-city children of New York.

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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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