November 07, 2002

As the playful energy winds down these last few day of the Libra sun, many feel driven to get outside. Calling in sick to spend a day in the sun won’t be uncommon now. The moon continues a transit through superstar Leo, joining the planet of love, Venus. A spirit of generosity prevails. What appeals to our sense of drama flies easily now.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Use your imagination to make money. Excitement and high finance are in the works. Give extra chances to the ones who have helped you. Organizational activities get into high gear, and continue at top speed through the night.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Give love a chance. Shop talk and rumors make work intriguing. Your charm increases daily. Be careful not to invade someone’s privacy just to sate your curiosity. Visiting with family will provide valuable insight into the past.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
A job applied for last week may come through. Avoid extremes of any kind; family stress is about to be remedied, so hang on. A secure stash of invested cash or good insurance will be a blessing in the days ahead.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
. You will be on a continual round of class for both business and pleasure. Little touches make all the difference. A Gemini knows how to please you. Each and every love relationship is a gift in your life; appreciate them while you can.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Hard work earns you instant kudos as well as money. Explain the objective to all participants before tackling a group project. Taking time for yourself means no phone. Give a romantic wooer a chance. Play tennis or other sports on dates.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (November 07).
It’s a year that makes you wealthy in more ways than one. Be grateful for all the resources that are yours; it is the gateway to abundance. Where you pursue a new hobby will be the meeting place for twin hearts. Even greater rewards come in November, when a long-term investment of time finally pays off. Romance with a new love heats up with travel plans. Singles find love through work and religion.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Approach new projects in full throttle. Possibilities expand through social relationships and encounters with customers or bosses. You enjoy writing or doing other original work. You deserve to indulge in total self-expression.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
You’re brilliant, but don’t let your ego shoot down your chance at success; stay composed. An intoxicating love will inspire a romantic trip. Business and pleasure will mix well this weekend. You’re cuddly and affectionate tonight.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
A turning point is reached. Your "special something" is working for you, and others are magnetically drawn to you. Make a personal resolution that involves volunteering for community work. Errors can be rectified if you forging yourself first.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Keep in mind your long-range potential, not short-run financial gains. The team needs a leader, and you’re it. Friends flock to your side when you show true devotion to a cause. You have the gift of gab tonight.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Romantic links are made in the morning. Luck presents itself through sound advice. Classes and meetings you’d rather skip bring more work your way. Keep in mind that colleagues are competitors as well as friends.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
You are happy when someone touches your emotions; he or she makes you feel understood. Spontaneous moves make your love life take off. Someone who makes tedious demands will soon be out of your life completely.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Though you may not be so sure how to approach the tasks set before you, you are independent and in control. A woman who gets on your nerves is teaching you a lesson in tolerance. Sparks could fly with a Leo.

"If he (born Oct. 4, 1947) doesn’t lighten up, I don’t know what I’ll do. Why can’t he just trust me (born Jan. 29, 1969)? I have never done anything wrong, but because he’s so possessive, I’m thinking of doing something wrong now. I love him, but I don’t want to feel like I’m in prison. Should I leave him?"

You’re a freedom-oriented Aquarian with a freewheeling Gemini moon. Friendly, curious and at ease in social situations, you’ll never be tied down. The gentleman is a reasonable Libran, but his Taurus moon, powerfully aspected by opposing Jupiter in passionate Scorpio, is reaching for a deep, profound commitment from you that you may never be able to provide. It’s reassurance during your intimate moments that he may be looking for, and this you may simply not care to give. Though you’re independent, you don’t want to be alone. But you don’t form the intense bond with a companion that he may be looking for. You’ve no doubt tried to talk this problem over, but with his Mercury in stubborn Scorpio and your own in equally stubborn Aquarius, talk may only compound the problem. Be honest, be friends, be considerate of each other, and true to yourselves.

Jeff Goldblum was born on the Libra/Scorpio cusp. His chart reveals a deeply empathetic nature that helps him create compelling characters. Because of this, it is probably difficult for him to understand why others are not as sensitive as he is. This year, he could happily adopt and learn from children of a different culture.

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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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