February 01, 2002

What could be a more fitting way to enter the month of love than under the sweet Libra moon? It reminds you of how important friendships are. The Aquarian sun will have you thrilled to be flirting, sharing, even dancing into someone’s life with one daring line. One thing is for sure: You won’t be opening new doors until you close your own front door behind you.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Increasing your income may require more time on the road and sharper speaking or writing skills. You could inherit something through a sibling. What you want more than anything is a new car; you might be able to afford it.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
. You have a germ of an idea that could be worth millions. What are you waiting for? Give it at least five hours of your time this weekend. Of course, all work and no play (not to mention love) will make you a dull person.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
. Balance out the uncertainty you’ve been feeling over the past few months. Expressing your ingenuity requires that you get out into the world. Surround yourself with beauty. There’s nothing better than having a healthy environment.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
More behind-the-scenes shenanigans are in store for you; just be sure no one catches on. Do what you can to repay a debt, even if it means paying a small amount every month. This is the perfect weekend to entertain your sweetie.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
. As much as you feel like a loner today, you still need satisfying companionship. The time you spend with friends should be memorable. When you feel great about yourself, you radiate sex appeal! Someone is watching your moves.

. Your own personal style and signature characterize your work, making you the recipient of big rewards this year. Romantic prospects will win your heart with unmistakable finesse through the next seven weeks, but they will only keep your interests if they are trustworthy. You’ll have good luck with joint assets and ventures in April. Start a business in August. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 31, 40, 35 and 21.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
. Money matters are important, and you’ll be pleased to see a bit more cash coming in. Fitness adds to your confidence and appeal, so sweat a little. New Friends and old family members will be in the picture tonight. Cook a good meal.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
. Your co-workers may provide the kind of understanding you need. A promotion or special praise is in store for you. Higher-ups will notice your determination and strong will. Bat those gorgeous eyes at a Virgo this afternoon.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)
. Extend a helping hand to a deserving co-worker. Don’t worry, it will all come back to you. Continued work on a personal project will eventually bring success. It’s a whole new ball game where romance is concerned. Stay confident.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
You look good and are ready to meet the challenges of the future without flinching. You have many plans this evening, and it wouldn’t hurt to think about contacts who could help you get started – like that Leo with a big bucks!

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
. Advantages will be yours because you have a sterling record of accomplishment. Someone in the past is still interested in doing something big with you. One-to-one events are featured tonight. Give your mate attention.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
. What you say and do makes a big difference to family members. Be ready to take over for an ailing supervisor or manager at work. Those who plan on making hospital visit should bring flowers instead of candy.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Your sense of decorum may be disrupted as a rumor spreads through the ranks. It may not be true, so don’t lose your cool. It’s better to put off highly detailed work if you can. Be the one who gives in tonight, and you’ll have all the fun.

The first weekend of February swings under the Libra moon. It simply feels more natural to be with a partner than without one. Aries: Grab an opportunity before someone steps in and takes it away. Taurus: If you are willing to be aggressive, you could find the partner of your dreams tonight. Gemini: You’re at the hub of activity. Keep a cool head as you will be making decisions for the group. Cancer: Your loved one may need a little more breathing room than usual. Leo: Romance could come from something you do as a favor to a friend. Virgo: Old flames can help you reach your goals. Scorpio: When you follow a subconscious agenda, you’ll make the same mistakes. Take conscious control of your destiny. Sagittarius: Your attitude about what you want for the future is ultra-attractive to a love interest. Capricorn: Don’t worry if you don’t make a connection with your potential partner. Small strides gain more ground than you think. Aquarius: In matters of love, those who hesitate will definitely miss out. Pisces: You are intrigued by romance but are not thinking realistically about the future.

Libra and Aquarius agree on many things. They’ll work as a focused team this weekend. Each finds fulfillment in the other’s ideas about how life should be lived. The mind-to-mind communication couldn’t be better, and now, under the Libra moon, they’ll bond over more emotional matters. Libra may feel that Aquarius is too cavalier about its feelings at times but should resist the urge to scold.

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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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