January 15, 2002

The Scorpio moon broods and dampens our interest in mundane things. It heightens our interest for anything remotely. What was once below the surface is now out in the open. You maybe awakened to an attraction you didn’t even know you had. Don’t act on it though — it will pass. Under these stars, you’re likely to fall in love with a forbidden individual.

ARIES (March 21-April 19).
There’ll be plenty of good vibes for being inventive; allow yourself to daydream. Reach out to your friends this afternoon — they won’t be able to resist your charm. You are most attracted to those who are first interested in you.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
It’s not how much you spend, but how much you read that will give you that head-turning style. Enjoy learning about what’s hip. You’ll have extraordinary daydreams while getting an extra long message.

GEMINI (May 21-June 22)
. Get everything done at work, no matter how many people you have to bother. By noon, everyone will be glad that the whole machine is running more smoothly. The pursuit of romance will be your main focus tonight.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
The more security you have around you, the more content you’ll be. Use your imagination, not cash, to develop money-making plans. Heavy-duty social events are featured this afternoon. Relax and enjoy a night of soothing rest.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Your home is still cracking with romantic fire. You and a Libra or Aries will ignite searing passion this evening. Your best pal will call with juicy gossip. Catch up on the buzz, and you’ll uncover a social opportunity in a new milieu.

Reinvent yourself this year. Banish habits that block your earning potential or sabotage your love life. Rewards for your self-improvement efforts may include a rapturous love relationship before spring and marriage by July. Level- headed financial plans are a must at the beginning of the year. A smart investment in April will grow steadily throughout the year. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 8, 25, 31 and 44.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
. Money talks. Seek counsel to help your portfolio look its best. Great results are worth the cost. Luck will be yours when you bond with a dynamic female. A recent conversation may have changed the way you treat people.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Your new romantic partner is a keeper. If you’re ready to settle down, do it. Work-crazed Libras: Reevaluate your priorities. Simplifying your needs makes more sense than working until you drop. Take advantage of a cash gift.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
You’re gregarious. Make new friends. Your allies will support your aims this year. Need breathing space at home? Gently propose time out for your overstressed love life. Consider a daring that could rejuvenate romance.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Your excellent career plans will land a fantastic money-making contract into your lap and boost your cachet with the powerful elite. Wine and dine key supporters to keep them interested in you. Take a spicy love offer.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
If you want to be free, learn to delegate. Too much of your effort won’t be necessary to attract money to you. No one likes to be put on the spot, so avoid testing others, and they’ll show gratitude with special , valuable favors.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Your impulsive behavior makes you irresistible. However, you’ll be happier if you strike a balance in matters of the heart, instead of following every whim. Someone from the past may return to you — perhaps in a dream.

PISCES (Feb. 19- March 20).
You’re in demand, so be ready to alter the agenda in favor of immediate opportunities. Love will soothe your overworked soul. Couples who have been in the midst of a power struggle will cool their jets.

"I’m an Aquarius, and my true love is a Libra who has gone away to find himself. We were together for a year, and then he was badly injured, which seemed to change him. He calls and says he loves me but needs time to think. I know we’re friends, but does he feel as strongly about me as I do about him?"

Your gentleman friends has Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer. He cares deeply about commitments, and he doesn’t take them lightly. You have your moon in Cancer, Venus in Capricorn and Mars in Pisces, so you are deeply attuned to your home, family and traditional life. The two of you have every chance of finding your way back to each other, so do your best to hold on to your end of the relationship. March 10-March 17 will be the ideal time frame to make your feelings and dreams of love very clear to him. Then, be ready to step back and wait about a month while he sorts out his feelings. Do not call him. Give him plenty of space. You won’t be sorry you let him come to his own conclusion. If you don’t wait patiently, you’ll be plagued with doubts about whether you are officially together.

Actress Sarah Polley is fast becoming the "it" girl among important directors, and she will even be considered a major rival to Gwyneth Paltrow and Julia Roberts before the year 2006. She is a Capricorn with Mars (career) in her heavy-hitting sign as well. Her chart promises super-stardom. Additionally, her easygoing Gemini moon makes her fun to work with, so her ambition comes in a less threatening container.

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Copyright Joyce Jillson 2002

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