July 01, 2001

The moon enters Sagittarius in the early morning, stoking the fires of ambition. The week is off to a powerful start. Get rid of the obstacles that knock the road to organization, like a hamper full of dirty clothes, or a stack of bills waiting to be paid. If not, enlist a little help from family members to get it all done. hum a tune while you work side by side with them!

ARIES (March 21-April 19).
Handle difficult family matters now, or they’ll become even stickier. Taking a creative writing class opens any door you gnocchi on, including one that leads to love. Children need a role model who will enforce boundaries and set rules.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Focus on socializing. Dinner plans could change from romantic reservation for two to a double or triple date. Dress to impress — your appearance shows him/her how interested you are. An unexpected gift begins a positive cycle.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
Ask a friend to set you up with a hot love prospect; you have romantic luck by taking bold actions. Develop creative ideas quietly before presenting them to family member, especially to those who aren’t quite as imaginative as you are!

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
The power of partnership is proven to you over and over today. Be amenable to ideas presented to you by your colleagues. If you’re still feeling hopeless about your career, enlist a mentor to help lead you in the right direction.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Daily duties and social aspirations conflict. Doing things in group helps you cover many bases at once. Answers to your long time questions come via e-mail or your mailbox. You may need something a friend no longer uses; negotiate a price.

Many doors are open for you this year. There are opportunities that are in line with your personality, and some that are not. It’s important to know the difference between the two from now through August. A tight business alliance in September will bring higher income. Thrilling romance in October could bring you straight to the altar. Your best love sign is Virgo. Your lucky numbers are: 3,11,29, 31 and 48.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Romantic and family activities compete for your attention. You can’t please everyone, but you’ll get away with spending time doing exactly what pleases you. Dot even answer the phone! spend quality time with yourself.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
A new approach to problem-solving has nothing to do with excavating your past. Leave history behind you for now, and instead change one thing about how you approach and view the future. Keep your body limber with execs!

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
Experienced help makes a difference when you’re trying to make things work at home. Keeping things in functioning order is easy when you don’t sweat the unimportant stuff. Don’t hang around a hot-tempered buddy tonight.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Being hospitable is the key to your success. Take a chance spontaneous invitations. Your expenses add up. Remember that going over your budget isn’t going to impress anyone who really cares about you. Make changes.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Many are thinking of buying a car or moving in with Mr. or Ms. Right. Introspection is also favored. By turning inward, you can transcend old conflicts and receive wonderful gifts of knowledge. Brothers and sisters finally reconcile.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Focus on what can make domestic life more appealing. The motives of others become clear. Testy family members are really on your side. Recreational expenses stun you. The kids won’t even notice if you cut back a bit.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Your uncommon abilities are huge moneymakers, but get more than one opinion before you launch into a new direction. Keep a riff between you and a close friend secret or it might blow up. You’ll be sorry you mentioned it.

The Sagittarius moon stirs up fantasies about a different kind of life than the one you’re living. Escape is the theme from now until Tuesday night. Research projects, investigative activities and trips abroad are favored. It’s lucky to move, as long as you realize that you will eventually have to deal with unresolved situations. The cool Capricorn moon makes Independence Day an emotional event. With family and friends around, the solid lunar influence grounds us back into reality and focuses our minds on making the most of our time with those we love. Thursday brings not only a full moon in Capricorn, but a lunar eclipse as well. The usual wild outpouring associated with the full moon won’t be as pronounced, as many feel it’s more important to do the right thing, follow protocol and pay due respect. Venus enters Gemini and begs us not to be overly sensitive about romantic matters. A "live and let live" policy keeps things in the proper perspective. The week ends under an Aquarian moon, and it’s certainly difficult to work with so many terrific friends around. You might as well seize opportunities for fun and excitement.

Bill Cosby shows a fine example of Cancerian charity, but his chart indicates much of his giving is done anonymously. Charity is an important part of the lives of Cancer natives, and once a Cancer learns the benefits of giving firsthand, philanthropy becomes a tenet to live by. With Mercury in Cancer and his moon in Virgo, he is a committed family man. He will bring joy to the hearts of Americans for evermore.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2001 Joyce Jillson

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