

May 14, 2001

- Joyce Jillson -
The Aquarian moon gets idea buzzing, and everyone is willing to share friends, wealth and knowledge. Someone who can’t make a commitment might make up for this by being so generous and fun that you can let it slide for a while. An opposition of Mercury and Pluto stirs up some questions as to how much power to give those in charge and why.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Freedom means more than contentment now. Exercise away restlessness. You’re a senior member of a project at work. You will take on a leadership role by sharing knowledge. Extend yourself, and help friends or a work team.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
. You may be mesmerized by a strong individual now, so learn all you can from him or her. Your money chart looks fabulous. Pay the bills with the extra cash you received, then enjoy a carefree moment with a friend of your sweetie.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
. If you can keep from becoming bored with tedious work, you will quickly be promoted. Make lists, agendas and appointments with professionals. Ask the boss about complications you find in the employee handbook. Get good explanations.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Enjoy your newly-acquired freedom. You can afford to be somewhat frivolous! You are bold enough to take a chance and be flirty with the one you’ve had your eye on this afternoon. A new pet could add joy to your home.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
. It’s an ideal time to patch up any old misunderstandings and start with a clean slate. Commit to important people and your own creativity. You’ll receive information via a long-distance call regarding your finances and/or a family inheritance.

. You’ll impress yourself with your accomplishments this year. You’ll focus on relocation or a new job in the summer. People who push you to do your best are featured in June and July. You’ll soon pay off your dues/debts and be socking away extra money for a house. Your luckiest month is September. Your best love signs are Scorpio and Sagittarius. Your lucky numbers are: 30, 20, 31, 11 and 5.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
. Take charge and present your ideas with confidence. Listen to your gut feeling regarding an important decision you’ll make tonight. A Cancer will help you appreciate the quiet pleasures of your home. Seek an honest romantic partner.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
. When boredom strikes, be willing to look at yourself in the mirror, and decide what you really want. You appreciate the good intentions of your mate, but you shouldn’t settle for less than you expect in the relationship. Be bold this afternoon.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)
. A hobby could bring huge financial gains if you take time to future your skills. Education fits right into your love relationship. Don’t be afraid to ask your sweetie what’s going on in his or her mind. Keep the lines of communication open.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
A good friendship will arise out of an argument. People expect the best from you, and you will deliver what they want. Take the advice of your friends. Introduce new acquaintances to them, also. You may play matchmaker.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
. As the eternal optimist, you put out a positive attitude that others highly appreciate. Your morning routine will contribute to your success in the afternoon. A sibling requires extra attention, but you’ll be the main attraction tonight.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
. Set your own pace, follow through, and achieve your goals. Relatives and neighbors play a part in getting you the connections you need. Shopping sprees will hurt your budget, so wait for weekend sales and clearances.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Challenge authority, because you’ll get the results you desire. Whoever told you not to have opposing views was threatened by your potential to surpass him or her. Dig up old dreams, and give them new life. You have plenty of energy.

" What are the prospects for a long-term commitment with a male Aquarius born on Feb. 8, 1950? I am a female Gemini."

Capricorn rising tells me you are tremendously understanding of your loved ones, yet this makes you far too accepting in relationship, especially with those you respect and admire. Aquarian/Gemini love relationships are fabulous this year, and you are definitely headed for marriage. Who your lucky mate will be remains the question. You may find that through the next three months, your Aquarius mate is not as sincere as he may say he is with his intentions. Is he newly-divorced? His chart indicates that he might be. Geminis also have luck with newly-met Cancers and Leos this year. The best thing for your love life in the next three months is to let others pursue you. Play hard to get. Enjoy your many interests, especially social ones that also help a needy cause. Intellectual and political interest will put you in an exciting light, and your suitors will be varied and plenty. By October, you’ll have a better idea of who is really qualified to join his life with yours. Have fun until then.

Pierce Brosnan has a lot in common with the character James Bond – though Bond is more Sagittarian than Taurean. With both the sun and Mercury in Taurus, staying cool, calm and collected in the face of danger is a natural gift. His intuitive Cancer moon comes with a built-in need to protect those around him. However, risk-taking and living on the edge is out of the question for this family man at heart!

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com

Copyright 2001 Joyce Jillson

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