

Horoscope - January 30, 2001

The fourth quarter Libra moon suggests that we wrap up loose ends of relationships winding to a close. Also, throw off past baggage to assist relationships in transition. You’ll want to be able to give your full attention to new love tonight. Venus and Pluto square off just as Venus and Mars form a lucky trine, which brings desirous energies together.

(March 21-April 19). A long-awaited vacation is just around the bend. Don’t be too quick to start a physical relationship unless you feel you know someone inside and out. Call the Gemini who’s on your mind. A Capricorn has a sure bet for a business project.

(April 20-May 20). People are inclined to like and trust you. The key to money-making is effective listening. One phone call solves a financial dilemma. You’ll be asked to explain a past action. Lead by example, and be on your best behavior tonight.

(May 21-June 21). It’s easy to dismiss ideas that do not coincide with your plan – but this is dangerous. Consider for a moment what seems impossible. A performance inspires you to take a class or seminar. Just don’t fall for phony gimmicks.

(June 22-July 22). A past experience helps you get through a sticky situation. You (wrongly) think you have romantic competition. Focusing on your weaknesses would heart your chance at real love. Prove yourself as strong, and others will follow suit.

(July 23-Aug. 22). Once you make your mind up, you cannot be manipulated – but watch others try. Co-workers could be jealous and need your generous attention in order to get over it. If you’re in sales, today’s numbers are outstanding! Keep up the good work!

(January 30). It’s a year when you are specific about what you want, and you get exactly that. Several romantic options are open between now and Valentine’s Day, but you’ll want to choose just one by the end of February – Pisces and Gemini are just your style. If you go into business (very lucky in May to do so), a Libra will help you succeed. Couples will marry in July. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 5, 22, 9 and 41.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your influence over others is strong. The boss may depend on you to take charge in changing times. Neighbors turn you on to new sources of money. Listen to the grapevine for job and shopping tips. Believe in what you create.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Romantic adventures sweep you up when you least expect it. A Pisces or Capricorn is especially sexy in your eyes, and he or she will respect your wishes, too. Reorganize your files to prevent foul-ups with paperwork.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). A move toward independence will increase your confidence, as well as your range of choice. Questions of compatibility are answered in full. Do everything you can to help a troubled friend. Rely on facts and not on assumptions.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). One who usually does the talking will finally listen to you. Spontaneity helps friendships, but to maintain intrigue, keep romance on a scheduled-only basis. Trouble is prevented by sticking to your promises.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Money is easily made on Friday, just think like the CEO! Ask for samples, client lists or referrals. You’ve made your peace with someone, and are free to find more satisfying friendships now. Start with a clean slate, and be positive!

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your ambition is renewed; someone sexy loves the new spark in you. Be moderate; a lavish gift makes the wrong impression. Regarding family, ask the difficult questions, because cold, hard facts are easier to deal with than you think.

(Feb. 19-March 20). A burst of energy helps you make deadlines or handle a rush. Exception observational skills give you the edge when faced with a romantic challenge. Singles will find love after a period of self-reflection. Release your tensions.

: This is a year of serenity. Greater self-acceptance and increased compassion for others will create an atmosphere that allows you to attain meaningful goals and be happy with what you get! Drop projects that hold little reward or challenge for you this month to start the year off right. Instead of putting out so much attention-getting energy, you’ll be putting time into what feeds your soul. February will answer a long-held question around the 24th. A raise at the end of March is a reward for stamina, so don’t give up before the 25th, or you’ll have to start over by earning points. Many Pisces will marry in April – couples take on projects together and fall madly in love. Purchase new tools around May11 so you can finish work faster and go on vacation June 1. Business deals will be sealed: An inheritance is received, or the torch is passed in other ways at the end of July. Get completely organized in August to ready yourself for fast changes mid-month. Switching gears on a moment’s notice brings a financial bonus by Sept. 9. Leave it up to fate in October, when trying to change someone’s opinion won’t work. Singles are magnetically drawn to someone at work in November, but should keep it light and friendly until later.

: Outstanding actress Emily Watson will win awards this year and will also become a spokesperson for a humanitarian cause. Like many talented people in her profession, she was born under the Pisces moon, an aspect that makes it easier to emphatize with others and take on their joys, pains and physical characteristics, too. Saturn also in Pisces indicates that she is drawn toward all things spiritual and is no stranger to outrageous, even life-changing coincidence. Her energy will rein supreme for the year!

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2001 Joyce Jillson

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