Horoscope - November 26, 2000

The moon travels through Sagittarius, joining the sun in this outgoing and talkative sign. Lengthy conversations will be inevitable, so allow yourself the opportunity to enjoy the company of fairness and co-workers. Keeping track of time could actually be counterproductive under these skies, so leave your watch on the night stand.

(March 21-April 19). Take new steps slowly. What you see may not be exactly what you get. Be ready on time for a date. A slow start might be deceptive. Act on information you hear in passing. If you keep pushing, partner will have a change of heart.

(April 20-May 20). You don’t have to hide from a friend who knows you inside and out. Release the burden from yourself, and concentrate on feeling great. Clarify all provisions of an agreement before giving your word. A pleasure trip could be profitable.

(May 21-June 21). Compare your life to this time last year. You could be a catalyst for growth in a group you are joining or have joined recently. An old flame is jealous of your new admirers. Your home is your rock of stability and comfort. Take care of it.

(June 22-July 22). Substantial gains come from work you do on your own initiative. Meet someone halfway. A guess could be surprisingly accurate. A former love might introduce you to a new love. You will accumulate extra work, but it will help you.

(July 23-Aug. 22). Looking for change? Relationships start to click. A refinance or remodeling plan is brilliant, and home improvement ideas will make you money. Skip a family quarrel, and let others work things out by themselves. Believe in yourself.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (November 26).
This is a year of establishing new patterns. Family matters will improve drastically in the next five weeks, which eases the tension in other areas of your life, as well. Education helps you make more money in January. Legal matters will finally resolve themselves in your favor. Your best signs for love are Gemini and Libra.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’ll receive an answer just as you are about to give up on getting one. You and a partner take an important step. Singles: A matchmaker may have finally hit on the right combination. Be spontaneous; it will surely do you some good.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You are so self-sufficient that you don’t have to put up with partners that are unfulfilling – that includes love partners, as well. Group support can be a blessing. Should all else fail, get back to basics. Your friends strongly rely on your words.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Overconfidence works against your when humility is what’s needed. Make up your mind slowly, as emotions could get the best of your decision-making mechanism. Be willing to walk that extra mile to serve those who have served you.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You could be seduced by one with more memo or class – these trappings are an illusion. What you have is intestinal fortitude, and that adds up to more than material riches. Cultivate inner peace. Look out for your peers.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Expectations are super high. People want to please you, but may feel defeated if you need too much. You can break through the anxiety habit. Tell loved ones to respect your need to concentrate; the less distractions, the better.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Ask for additional information before you make plans that will affect everyone. You are a creative leader. A love with a friend is spellbinding – just don’t take it too fast! Do what you can to cultivate a sense of community and togetherness.

(Feb. 19-March 20). You succeed in the arts if you are willing to apply yourself. Do what’s needed at work without having to be asked. Expect relatives to be a little secretive about plans. Natural abilities get you further in work than acquired skills.

Events are happening at lightening speed – keep the energy high all week. Deciding how to channel all of this power is key. If focus is sharp and a plan is in place, this week will provide the boosted numbers, money, approval ratings, and so on to step projects up a notch. An opposition of the sun and lucky Jupiter on Monday adds some exciting momentum and draws luck to projects that are already moving along nicely. Mercury remains under Scorpio’s spell, sending seductive waves of inspiration through all communication lines. Whether it be an excellent sales pitch or an invitation to dance, satisfying needs is what Scorpio so cleverly executes all weeks. Don’t even talk to anyone who you don’t want following you – attracting unwanted attention slows you down. The Capricorn moon on Tuesday through Thursday keeps putting ideas of commitment into the mix to complicate things. Friday, Mercury aspects the planet of hard lessons (Saturn) in such a way to inspire thoughtful conversations that get to the root of problems. The moon transits through eccentric Aquarius, opening us to new friends and ideas. Tolerance is the name of the game this weekend; the more accepting you are, the more fun you’ll have.

Bette Midler has an Emmy-winning chart for 2001. This fiery Sagittarius with Mars in entertainment-loving Leo gives new meaning to the word "charisma." Another word associated with Sagittarius is "chutzpa," and Midler, as well as other native Sagittarian, will use this quality to make 2002 an astounding success.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2000 Joyce Jillson

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