Teves camp to appeal extradition order

Suspended Negros Oriental Rep. Arnolfo Teves Jr.
Congressman Arnie A. Teves / Facebook page

MANILA, Philippines — Expelled Negros Oriental congressman Arnolfo Teves Jr. will appeal the extradition order issued against him by the Court of Appeals of Timor-Leste, according to his legal counsel Ferdinand Topacio.

“The judgment is still appealable, a recourse that we have every intention of taking. Then we still have the option of political asylum,” Topacio said in a text message to reporters on Thursday night.

Topacio made the statement after the Department of Justice (DOJ) confirmed that the country’s request for extradition against Teves had been granted by the Timorese court.

At a virtual press conference yesterday, Topacio said they have 30 days from notice to appeal the decision based on Article 300 of the Code of Civil Procedure of Timor-Leste.

Topacio also claimed that Teves “cannot be extradited yet” while his request for political asylum in Timor-Leste is pending.

“According to (his) Timor-Leste lawyers, the process is still ongoing. And that there is a principle in their law that says that if there is a pending political asylum application, notwithstanding any extradition request, a person cannot be extradited because it would render the application for political asylum moot and academic,” Topacio said.

However, at a separate press conference, the DOJ said the motion for reconsideration filed by the camp of Teves for political asylum had already been denied.

“The political asylum was the first recourse that was availed of by former congressman Teves. This was denied,” DOJ Undersecretary Raul Vasquez said.

“They filed for a motion for reconsideration, this was denied as well. So to our minds, as lawyers, that is the end of the rope for that particular aspect,” he added.

The DOJ also expressed confidence that the appeal to be filed by Teves on his extradition order would be denied by the Timorese court.

While in Timor-Leste, Vasquez added that Timorese authorities could arrest Teves as an “undocumented alien.”

He noted, however, that arresting Teves would be a policy decision on the part of Timor-Leste authorities.

“Once he is arrested, he will not be arrested because of the extradition proceedings but because of his being undocumented. And what would be his status? He would be an immigration detainee,” Vasquez explained.

Vasquez said preparations are underway for the eventual return of Teves.

Meanwhile, Pamplona Mayor Janice Degamo said Teves should expect more criminal cases to be filed against him once he is brought back to the country.

Degamo, the widow of slain Negros Oriental governor Roel Degamo, said more victims of Teves’ alleged atrocities are willing to come out and file charges against the lawmaker once he is put in jail. — Emmanuel Tupas

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