Palace sacks assistant solgen over sexual harassment

Derek Puertollano has been dismissed from service over administrative charges of sexual harassment, Solicitor General Menardo Guevarra confirmed yesterday.
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MANILA, Philippines — An assistant solicitor general has been ordered dismissed by Malacañang for sexually harassing two of his legal interns.

Derek Puertollano has been dismissed from service over administrative charges of sexual harassment, Solicitor General Menardo Guevarra confirmed yesterday.

The charges stemmed from a complaint filed by legal interns who went with Puertollano to Cebu City in 2022 to observe a hearing.

One intern alleged that Puertollano touched his thigh when he tried to sleep, then he moved his body away.

The other claimed that Puertollano touched his butt while the victim was taking a shower.

Puertollano also allegedly issued inappropriate remarks while looking at a victim’s crotch.

In his defense, Puertollano claimed all of the incidents were not malicious.

In 2016, Puertollano – former assistant to then-solicitor general Jose Calida – was charged in the US with intent to sexually abuse a minor when he reportedly molested a 13-year-old boy.

The incident happened during official business when he was attending a seminar on international arbitration.

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