MMDA to apprehend motorcycle riders using EDSA bike lanes

This composite photo shows images posted by the MMDA of motorcycles using the bicycle lane in EDSA.
Facebook / MMDA

MANILA, Philippines — Motorcycle riders using the bicycle lanes in EDSA will be fined P1,000 starting Monday, according to the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority.

In an advisory posted on Facebook, the MMDA stressed that the bicycle lane in EDSA “is intended for cyclists, not for motorcycle riders.”

“Based on the monitoring by the MMDA on EDSA, a significant number of motorcycle riders are using the bicycle lane. Because of this, cyclists are unable to use the lane designated for them,” the MMDA said in Filipino. 

“The bike lane is not a fast lane for motorcycles,” the MMDA added.

MMDA will start apprehending erring motorcycle riders caught using the bicycle lane starting August 21, it added.

“Disregarding a traffic sign is a violation with an associated fine of P1,000,” the MMDA said.

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