Senators seek more benefits for former presidents

Photos shows of senators in opening of the 19th congress at the Senate on July 25, 2022.
STAR / Mong Pintolo

MANILA, Philippines — Several senators want to grant former Philippine presidents additional benefits and privileges, owing to their continued significant contributions to the country and the vital role they play in society even after stepping down from office.

Senators Bong Go, Ronald dela Rosa, Francis Tolentino and Mark Villar filed Senate Bill 1784, the proposed “Former Presidents Benefits Act of 2023.”

The bill stated that former presidents are expected to “perform post-presidential duties such as meeting with foreign and local dignitaries and attending public events and other social engagements.”

For this reason, these duties often require them to employ the services of personal staff and maintain private offices, the authors said.

“Even if their terms have ended, it does not mean their services and sacrifices for the nation have stopped. They continue to help people and for that, there are threats to their lives,” Go said in Filipino.

At times, former presidents still need to cater to constituents, make public appearances and receive visitors given their stature. Having an office will allow them to manage such responsibilities with the help of dedicated staff and resources, they said.

“Former presidents also often receive requests for speeches, appearances or other engagements, and a physical office can provide a centralized location for managing these activities,” Go said.

If the bill is passed into law, all former presidents shall be entitled to additional benefits and privileges, such as personal security and protection, adequate staff provided by the Office of the President and suitable office space, among others.

By tradition, assigning Presidential Security Group (PSG) members to guard former presidents depends on the incumbent president.

Meanwhile, Go also filed a measure increasing the pensions of Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) retirees.

Senate Bill No. 1706 seeks to adjust the monthly pension and disability benefits of the said agency’s retirees, citing their immeasurable service to Filipinos worldwide, especially during critical times, disasters, security threats and other crisis situations.

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