‘Philippines-France ties guided by multilateralism, upholding international law’

French Ambassador to the Philippines Michèle Boccoz.
French Embassy

MANILA, Philippines — The partnership between France and the Philippines continues to be guided by common commitment to multilateralism and upholding international law and regional security, French Ambassador Michèle Boccoz said.

During the opening ceremonies of the 75th anniversary of French and Philippine diplomatic relations on Sunday, Boccoz said the two countries also have common commitment to joint action for climate, development and sustainability.

“The relations between our two countries were formalized in 1947, but the French-Philippine connection dates back much earlier through historic interactions among our nationals,” she said, noting that it is a privilege for her to be in the country as ambassador of France and celebrate the Diamond Jubilee Year of diplomatic relations.

She stressed that Frenchmen like Paul Proust de la Gironière and Yves Leopold Germain Gaston traveled to the Philippines to settle and contribute to the development of local communities, “while Filipinos – such as the Ilustrados – traveled to France to find inspiration in the democratic values of liberté (liberty), égalité (equality) and fraternité (fraternity).”

The two countries agreed that the 75th anniversary of French-Philippine diplomatic relations would be a year-long celebration with exciting programs in the months ahead to celebrate the bond that the two nations have shared in the last 75 years and to “set the stones for new and deeper interactions in the next 75 years.”

France highlighted its commitment for free, safe and open Indo-Pacific based on respect for international law and multilateralism.

France became the first country of the European Union to publish the Indo-Pacific strategy in September 2018. It is also a major promoter of the EU Indo-Pacific Strategy launched in September 2021.

The French Indo-Pacific Strategy aims to promote a stable, rules-based, multipolar order and commits to the deepening of France’s engagement in the region.

It provides a framework for developing cooperation with its partners, including the Philippines and the ASEAN, to jointly provide common solutions to global challenges such as ensuring maritime security, fighting climate change and protecting biodiversity.

The French Indo-Pacific Strategy actively contributes to the elaboration of the EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy.

The Ministerial Forum for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific was held last Feb. 22 in Paris and was attended by Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. to take steps toward the transition of the strategic framework into concrete action.

The Indo-Pacific is a priority of France as it presides over the Council of the EU throughout the first semester of 2022.

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