‘Chinese ship observed Philippines-US sea exercise’

“They can’t put us under surveillance within our territorial waters,” Lorenzana told reporters in Filipino, referring to the Chinese electronic and reconnaissance ship identified as PLAN 792.
Presidential Photo, file

MANILA, Philippines — Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said the Chinese naval vessel that illegally entered Philippine waters without permission from Jan. 29 to Feb. 1 this year was observing a joint exercise by the Philippine and United States navies in the Sulu Sea.

“They can’t put us under surveillance within our territorial waters,” Lorenzana told reporters in Filipino, referring to the Chinese electronic and reconnaissance ship identified as PLAN 792.

He said the area where the Chinese vessel was seen lingering was in the Sulu Sea and not in international waters.

“It’s a sensitive area because it’s not in international waters. It is an internal water, it is the water between Palawan and Mindanao,” Lorenzana said. He said foreign vessels are only allowed innocent passage through the area.

“Entering Balabac Strait, they can go straight and exit to Palawan, non-stop,” the defense chief said in Filipino.

He said it’s PLAN 792’s lingering within the Sulu Sea and observing military exercises between US and Philippine forces that prompted the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) to file a diplomatic protest.

The DFA recently summoned Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian over the vessel’s incursion in the Sulu Sea and demanded that China respect Philippine territory and maritime jurisdiction.

Without Philippine permission, the ship entered and reached the waters of Palawan’s Cuyo Group of Islands and Apo Island in Mindoro where it was challenged and asked to leave by Philippine Navy vessel BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151).

The Chinese ship did not leave immediately, claiming it was exercising innocent passage.

Meanwhile, despite the country’s longstanding maritime row with Beijing over the West Philippine Sea, President Duterte maintained that there is no quarrel between the Philippines and China and that the two countries can discuss issues related to the dispute, including the fishing rights of Filipinos.

Speaking during the inauguration of the Binondo-Intramuros bridge yesterday, Duterte called China a “partner” in the development of Philippine infrastructure.

He told Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian that Manila and Beijing “do not have any quarrel.”

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