Cebu, Baguio cited by UN body as top creative cities

DOT praised Cebu City’s “leaders, shakers and movers” for their significant involvement in efforts leading to the inclusion of the city by UNESCO.

MANILA, Philippines — With the inclusion of the cities of Baguio and Cebu in the “Network of Creative Cities” under the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Department of Tourism (DOT) is urging other local government units to follow their example in harnessing creativity for tourism and other programs.

DOT praised Cebu City’s “leaders, shakers and movers” for their significant involvement in efforts leading to the inclusion of the city by UNESCO.

Last Oct. 30, UNESCO director- general Audrey Azoulay announced 66 cities in the world made their way to the roster of the Network of Creative Cities, which included Cebu City as a “Creative City of Design.”

The award affirms the wellspring of creative talents manifested in the furniture, fashion accessories and other sectors, the latest of which is in the global transportation hub sector, evident in the first-ever “resort airport” in the world – the Mactan Cebu International Airport.

The airport’s new Terminal 2 was opened by President Duterte in June and opened to flights in July last year.

In late 2017, Baguio City was also included as a “Creative City of Crafts and Folk Art.”

“It set up the Baguio City Creative Circuit (BCCC) that will physically link existing buildings and venues to showcase Baguio City’s creative spirit, directing the general public towards creativity as an essential element for sustainable urban development,” according to UNESCO.

Now with 246 cities joining the network, the Creative Cities Network aims to make the cities “champions of sustainable development actions that directly benefit communities at urban level” through “innovative thinking and action.”

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