Duterte back; Palace hails China visit

President Duterte and his daughter Veronica arrive in Davao City from China on Saturday.

MANILA, Philippines — President Duterte returned to the Philippines Saturday night after attending the second Belt and Road Forum, a visit that Malacañang said strengthened ties between Manila and Beijing despite their dispute over the West Philippine Sea.

Duterte did not deliver a speech in Davao City, but his communication team released a statement describing the trip as “productive and fruitful.” It also detailed the activities and positions of Duterte during the Belt and Road Forum from April 26 to 27 in Beijing.

“The President’s visit to China – his third since assuming office life,” Panelo said.

During the visit, Duterte witnessed the signing of 19 business agreements in energy, infrastructure including tourism-related facilities and internet connectivity, agriculture and training of Filipinos. The deals have an estimated total investment value of $12.165 billion and are expected to create more than 21,000 jobs.

“President Duterte gave his assurance to prospective foreign investors of all nationalities that the Philippine government will create an enabling environment that allows their business establishments and investments to prosper,” Panelo said.

He added that Duterte’s bilateral meetings with Chinese leaders provided him the opportunity to affirm the Philippines’ commitment to friendship and understanding with China. The two countries are embroiled in a longstanding dispute over some areas in the South China Sea, a busy sea lane where $5 trillion worth of shipment passes through every year.

During his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Duterte, who has been accused of being too soft on China over the sea row, reiterated his resolve to work towards making the South China Sea a “sea of peace, stability and prosperity.”

“He (Duterte) expounded the need for both countries to exercise restraint and caution to avoid actions that could complicate situations,” Panelo said.

National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon previously said Duterte brought up the arbitral ruling on the South China Sea row that favored the Philippines during his meeting with Xi last Wednesday. Xi reportedly told Duterte that China does not recognize the arbitral ruling.

The ruling, issued by a Hague-based court in 2016, invalidated China’s claims in the South China Sea. It also declared that parts of the sea fall within areas where only the Philippines possesses possible entitlements to maritime zones.

During the same bilateral meeting, Xi vowed to provide the Philippines a 1-billion renminbi grant. Duterte welcomed the assistance and expressed the Philippines’ readiness to pursue more high-quality and good-impact projects.

Duterte and Xi also witnessed the signing of the handover certificate for the dangerous drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation centers projects in Sarangani and Agusan del Sur and exchange of letters on the 2019 China-Philippines production capacity and investment cooperation project.

“The Philippines and China renewed their commitment to bolster bilateral relations based on mutual trust, respect and friendship. They agreed to further deepen Philippines-China strategic cooperation, particularly in the areas of security, trade and investment to support common development goals, including the administration’s Build, Build, Build program,” the Palace statement read.

Sustainable growth

Duterte highlighted the need for stronger international cooperation and sustainable growth during his participation in the Belt and Road Forum.

During the High-Level Meeting Session I, Duterte called for a new model of international cooperation where development assistance is a “genuine tool” to build national capacities for sustained growth. He maintained that development assistance should not foster dependence but build the capacities of developing nations.

“The President called for enhanced partnerships to address trans-boundary development challenges in order to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth, stressing the importance of multilateralism based on respect for sovereign equality,” the Palace statement said.

Duterte also expressed support for a fair and equitable rules-based regime that governs the relations of states, global trade and the use the world’s oceans as he recognized the important role played by organizations, particularly the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), in the evolving regional and global architecture.

He also cited the need to promote the welfare of migrant workers.

In a separate session, Duterte emphasized the need to build strong partnerships with like-minded states, multilateral institutions and other stakeholders that share the Philippines’ vision of securing a stable, peaceful and resilient international community.

He said an effective belt and road cooperation should be an “exercise of responsible and effective partnership for inclusive and sustainable development.” The President also pushed for cooperation in infrastructure development, agriculture development and green technology and renewable energy.

Duterte also expressed concern over the effects of natural disasters on developing countries like the Philippines and called for greater principled, concerted and collective action on climate change.

“He (Duterte) urged countries to act, rather than just meet, and to ensure that all of the countries, particularly economies that contribute greenhouse emissions be made accountable. President Duterte called for the effective enforcement of the world’s commitments to address climate change,” the Palace statement said.

The President underscored the need to improve regional and global capacities to manage and protect marine resources, noting that the world’s seas and oceans are key sources of sustenance and livelihood.

Duterte made the statement as some politicians and cause-oriented groups in the Philippines are criticizing China for its island build-up in the South China Sea that resulted in massive environmental damage.

“He emphasized that it is the collective duty of the international community to promote the sustainable and peaceful use of these bodies of waters in accordance with international law,” the Palace statement said. – With Edith Regalado

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