Fox's lawyers: Immigration 'gave in' to Duterte's whims

The Bureau of Immigration threw out Sister Patricia Fox’s appeal to extend her missionary visa, for failing to raise new arguments.
Edd Gumban/File

MANILA, Philippines — The camp of Sister Patricia Fox on Monday slammed the Bureau of Immigration for its ruling that showed, they said, that it gave in to the “whims” of President Rodrigo Duterte.

The Immigration bureau has denied with finality Fox’s appeal to extend her missionary visa. BI ordered Fox to apply for a temporary visitor’s visa that has a validity of 59 days.

In a statement, Fox’s lawyers said: “Clearly, the BI wants her out of the country, discontinue her missionary work for the poor Filipinos, and silence her unwavering call for justice, accountability and protection of human rights, without even laying the basis for such decision.”

“The BI has long prejudged the case of Sister Pat that it consciously turns a blind eye and deaf ears to reason and evidence, and [gives] in to the whims and caprice of its master in Malacañang,” their statement further reads.

The statement was signed by lawyers Jobert Pahilga, Rey Cortez, Kathy Panguban and Sol Taule.

Duterte has publicly admitted to ordering the investigation into Fox. He repeatedly lambasted the elderly nun for having a “shameful mouth” for supposedly criticizing him at rallies.

The chief executive said that foreigners are not allowed to criticize the Philippine government. “You don’t have the right to criticize us. You can come here to enjoy all the sights,” the president said on April 18.

Fox’s legal counsels said that the said that BI “consciously turns a blind eye and deaf ears to reason and evidence, and give in to the whims and caprice of its master in Malacañang.”

BI has repeatedly said that the deportation against Fox is for her involvement in partisan activities, an accusation that Fox has denied.

Order vs foreigners critical of administration

The lawyers also said that the ruling reflects the Duterte’s administration stand on its critics and human rights defenders.

They noted that four other foreigners were barred from entering the Philippines in the past months. Their cases “illustrate the State’s persecution of human rights defenders,” said the lawyers.

“Similar to what he did with other foreigners, Prof. Boehringer and the three missionaries who stood against the injustices experienced by the Lumad of Mindanao under his bloody island-wide Martial Law and are now blacklisted and barred from entry to the Philippines, Duterte has used for his selfish interests the deadly combination of iron fist and the legal labyrinth to deviously skirt around people's rights and quell dissent,” they added.

Boehringer, an Australian professor and a human rights advocate, was barred from entering the Philippines in August.

Earlier in July, Immigration also sent home Zimbabwean missionary Tawanda Chandiwana and American missionary Adam Thomas Shaw who were said to be overstaying in the country.

Immigration has denied that there is a crackdown on foreign missionaries. — Kristine Joy Patag

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