BI: Recent deportations of foreign missionaries no crackdown

The Immigration bureau stressed it is only enforcing the country's laws

MANILA, Philippines — The impending deportation of Australian missionary Patricia Fox and the deportations of two others this month do not constitute
a crackdown on foreign missionaries, the Bureau of Immigration said Friday.

In a statement, Immigration spokesperson Dana Sandoval said the bureau was merely exercising the law when it ordered Fox, the nun who drew the ire of President Rodrigo Duterte for supposedly criticizing him, deported.

"Sister Fox was found to have violated immigration laws. When foreigners violate our immigration laws, the law must be applied and enforced," Sandoval stressed.

The Immigration bureau issued a 10-page resolution on Thursday, ruling that Fox violated the "limitations and conditions of Commonwealth Act 613, Section 9 (g) missionary visa and undesirable under Article 2711, Section 69."

The Australian nun was ordered deported and her name placed in a blacklist of people barred from returning to the Philippines.

The BI's Board of Commissioners cited photos where Fox was allegedly "engaging" in partisan political activities in 2013, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

They said: "To allow respondent Fox to participate in political rallies or activities would open floodgates for other aliens' unbridled right to criticize government by joining rallies to the detriment of public peace and order.”

Fox is the head of the provincial superior of Our Lady of Sion Sisters. Her missionary visa is valid until September 5.

RELATED: Sister Fox deserves to stay in the country — groups

Sandoval reiterated: "We welcome the presence of foreign missionaries in the Philippines, but, as with any alien staying in our country, they must respect and follow our laws."

Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque also expressed the same sentiment. On Thursday, he said: "That's the law. Dura lex sed lex (the law may be harsh but it's the law)."

The Immigration also noted in its 10-page resolution that it took judicial notice of Duterte's public pronouncement against the elderly nun. The firebrand leader had branded Fox as an "undesirable alien by joining political rallies."

This, the bureau said, is the president exercising his “plenary power to expel or deport an alien for being undesirable.”

Fox's lawyers said that they will exhaust all legal remedies to overturn the deportation order.

Earlier this month, the Immigration also sent home Zimbabwean missionary Tawanda Chandiwana and American missionary Adam Thomas Shaw who were said to be overstaying in the country.

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