Guevarra: DOJ contracts with Calida security agency went through bidding

Solicitor General Jose Calida owns 60 percent of the Vigilant Security and Investigative Agency Inc., while the rest of the shares are equally divided among his wife and three children. Joy Patag

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Justice's contracts with Solicitor General Jose Calida’s security agency are above board, Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra said on Thursday.

 Guevarra, in an interview with CNN Philippines, said all the “pertinent regulations” stated in the government procurement law were followed from the start of the bidding to the end.

Questions on “conflict of interest” and possible irregularities in contracts arose when it was learned that Calida’s Vigilant Investigative and Security Agency Inc. has bagged deals with several government agencies. The DOJ is one of the government offices with a contract with Calida’s Vigilant.

Guevarra on May 30 said that he would look into the validity of DOJ's deals with Vigilant. Nearly a month later, the justice chief cleared Vigilant’s contracts.

“So it happens that [Vigilant’s] was the lowest and responsive bid among so many, among a number of bidders,” Guevarra said. He added that the deals are “regular...and compliant with procurement rules.”

Conflict of interest?

Guevarra said that he cannot comment on whether there is a conflict of interest in the deal. "On the matter of conflict of interest on the part of the solgen, that is something he has to deal with separately," the justice chief said.

The solicitor general is the government's top lawyer. According to the OSG website, among the solicitor general's functions is to "investigate, initiate court action, or in any manner proceed against any person, corporation or firm for the enforcement of any contract, bond, guarantee, mortgage, pledge or other collateral executed in favor of the government."

“I am not surprised with Guevarra’s conclusion that there is no irregularity and conflict of interest in Vigilant’s contract with DOJ,” Calida said in a message to reporters despite the Justice secretary not commenting on whether there is a conflict of interest or not.

The solicitor general added that Guevarra’s conclusion “should put to rest the malicious speculations against my wife’s business and my integrity.”

While Calida asserted that it his resignation from the management board is enough to comply with the law, Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales said he may be liable for possible conflict of interest.

In a report that aired on ABS-CBN, Morales pointed out that since Calida serves as the government’s chief legal counsel, he has a duty to government agencies.

“It means your client is NEDA (National Economic and Development Authority) because you have a security agency, and at the same time, NEDA is also your client because you are representing it in the judiciary or in any case lodged against it. So, that (conflict of interest) is one of the aspects the investigators are looking into,” she added.

Morales earlier said that her field investigators are already conducting fact-finding investigation into Calida’s stock ownership of Vigilant.

The investigation stemmed from the complaint filed by Jocelyn Acosta-Nisperos on May 10.

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