Pulse Asia: 8 of 10 Filipinos approve of, trust Duterte

The Palace welcomed the survey result, saying the Filipinos are more appreciative of the strides taken by the administration.
PPD/Toto Lozano

MANILA, Philippines — The performance and trust ratings of President Rodrigo Duterte barely changed in the last quarter of 2017, with an overwhelming majority of Filipinos saying they approve of and trust the chief executive.

The latest Ulat ng Bayan survey of polling firm Pulse Asia found out that 80 percent of the 1,200 respondents are appreciative of the work done by Duterte. Another 13 percent were undecided, while seven percent expressed approval.

The chief executive's score in the survey conducted in December last year did not change from his September 2017 approval score.

The biggest approval scores for Duterte came from his home region of Mindanao at 93 percent and from respondents who belong in class E at 85 percent.

Duterte is still the most trusted government official as 82 percent expressed having big trust—two points higher than his score in September.

Six percent of those surveyed have small to little to no trust on Duterte, while 13 percent were undecided.  

Vast majority of those who trust Duterte came from Mindanao (94 percent) and class E (85 percent).

The Palace welcomed the survey result, saying the Filipinos are more appreciative of the strides taken by the administration. 

READPulse Asia: Duterte retains 'big majority' approval, trust ratings

Filipinos still approve of, trust Robredo and Pimentel

The same survey showed Vice President Leni enjoying majority approval at 59 percent, two points higher than her score in the previous survey. Only 17 percent expressed disapproval of Robredo.

Her trust ratings registered at 58 percent or three points higher from her score in September. Seventeen percent distrust Robredo.

Majority of those who approve and trust Robredo are from the Visayas and from class E.

Senate President Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III also got approval and trust scores at 57 percent and 53 percent, respectively.

House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez, on the other hand, has almost the same approval and indecision ratings (42 percent against 37 percent), as well as trust and indecision scores (37 percent against 43 percent).

Sixteen percent of those surveyed are not appreciative of the performance of Alvarez, while another 16 percent have small to no trust.

Ambivalence (40 percent) is the plurality sentiment toward the performance of Chief Justice Ma. Lourdes Sereno, with 31 percent expressing approval and 26 percent expressing disapproval.

Meanwhile, Sereno has almost the same distrust and indecision scores (33 percent versus 38 percent). Twenty-seven percent have big trust on Sereno.

The survey was conducted from December 10 to 15, 17 last year using face-to-face interviews with 1,200 respondents. It has a ± 3% error margin at the 95% confidence level.  

Among the news items when Pulse Asia conducted its survey was the ratification of the then-Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion bill by the Congress, approval of martial law extension in Mindanao, impeachment hearings against Sereno and return of the Philippine National Police to the government’s war on drugs. 

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