No Pinoys hurt in Virginia violence

MANILA, Philippines -  No Filipino was reported injured or arrested in violence that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, the Philippine embassy in Washington said yesterday.

The embassy is closely monitoring the situation of around 125 Filipinos in Charlottesville, where a state of emergency was declared following violent clashes between opposing groups of demonstrators.

Police said one died and at least 19 others were injured.

Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano was informed yesterday morning by embassy Charge d’ Affaires Patrick Chuasoto, who said no Filipino was injured or arrested in the incident.

Police normally notify foreign embassies if there are foreign nationals injured or arrested in such disturbances. 

The violence erupted after white nationalists staging what they described as their largest rally in decades clashed with counter-protesters.

The embassy urged Filipinos in Charlottesville, located 117 miles southwest of Washington and home to the University of Virginia, and neighboring areas to stay indoors and avoid large crowds.

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